chapter 6

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While I brush my teeth I can't stop thinking about how perfect it felt tonight just being normal with Knox. Eating take away, watching a movie and just being together. Oh how I wish this was our normality. And how amazing he looked tonight in those tracksuit bottoms, he knew what he was doing. And being topless was just cruel His body is lickable and them tattoos make me feral. His big hands on my legs was devine. I finish up in the bathroom and head to the spare room. It's sparsely decorated a bed, bedside cabinet and one chest of draws that's all. I laugh to myself he's such a man.
I flop on the bed not bothering to get under the duvet as it's so hot tonight it's so muggy. We need a storm to clear the air. I yarn and turn to my side and try to go to sleep so I don't have to think about all the shit that happened tonight or torture myself with thoughts of Knox.

I wake with a start panicked wondering what woke me then I see the flash of lightening and hear a loud rumble of thunder. I hate storms especially at night. I don't even think I just jump out of bed and run to Knox's room. I sneak on to his bed he's sprawled out on his back arms above his head. He's just in his boxers. I lay my head on his chest and start to settle when there's another flash of lightening and I count for the thunder 1...2...there it is I squeal and cling to Knox. His arm comes round my back and he hugs me to him. Chuckling he says "still afraid of storms are ya?" I take a deep breath and savour the smell of him before answering "yep. I'm sorry. I didn't even think I just ran in here. Is it ok if I stay in here. I pinky promise I won't try anything or make it awkward" I hold my pinky up for him to lock his pinky in with mine. After a minute he does. With a heavy sigh he brushes the hair from my face, brings his other arm round me and almost whispers "deal, goodnight Summer"
He kisses the top of my head and after what feels like for ever his breathing evens out and I'm sure he's asleep.
Every time the thunder rumbles I tense and Knox's tightens his grip and shuhes me, guess he isn't asleep yet.

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