10. The mystery of stolen objects

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Over the past two weeks, our neighborhood has been the scene of several burglaries, creating a climate of insecurity that affects many people, including me. This wave of break-ins is not limited to my neighborhood, but extends to the area where I live.

Mariam, also worried, shared her concerns: "I'm really worried about my grandparents. The neighbor next door was broken into, and I don't want them to be next."

I completely understood his concern and tried to help him. "I know my uncle runs a store specializing in locks, padlocks, and other security devices. If you want, I can give you the address."

She nodded, saying, "Yes, thank you, I think it's a good idea."

Later that day, after work, I rode my motorbike home. As I walked towards the entrance of my building, something caught my eye.

"Hm? The police?!" I thought, a shiver of worry running through me.

I noticed two police cars parked nearby, and, as is often the case, the presence of the police did not bode well. A feeling of worry grew within me.

I walked up the stairs and upon reaching my floor, I was greeted by a surprising scene. Police officers were present, as well as several neighbors, all worried. Ms. Piqueron stood by her door, visibly in shock, as her husband tried to comfort her.

"Mr. Piqueron! What happened?" I asked worried.

"We immediately knew we had been robbed, so we called the police," the husband explained in a trembling voice.

It turned out that Mrs. Piqueron had become the 15th victim of these burglars, and fear could be seen on the faces of all the witnesses. The tension was palpable, as no one could predict who the next victim would be.

I couldn't help but blurt out, shaken by the events: "Well... what a surprise when I got home from work."

After dropping off my things, I picked up my landline and dialed my uncle's number.


"Ciao ziu Alcide, sò eiu Thierry." I said

"Oh Thierry comu stai?" said my great uncle.

"A little..."

"Ciò chì passa, u vostru "un pocu" hè preoccupatu."

"No...hè solu chì unu di i mo vicini hè status arrubatu."

"Oulah... chì hè calda, spergu chì ùn avete micca arrubbatu da quelli zigoti."

"Innò nò... Sò attentu, ùn vi preoccupate."

"Allora chì hè u mutivu di a vostra chjama?"

"In fatti, mi piacerebbe fà un favore per un amicu, chì vulete avè una serratura di bona qualità è vogliu sapè s'ellu avete unu?"

"Di sicuru! Dopu tuttu, hè u mo travagliu!"

"Civetta, mi pudete ricurdà l'indirizzu di a vostra tenda per room?"

"Di sicuru hè *gives the address of the store*"


"My nunda nipote!"


L: Hello Uncle Alcide, it's me Thierry.

UA: Ah Thierry, how are you?

A little...

What's going on, your "a little" is worrying.

No... it's just that one of my neighbors was robbed.

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