Glcheairs Studio Act 50

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Glcheairs: Here are the final dares everyone.

Drazeros and the villains: Finally!

Kai: Believe me Pinkie Pie is very energetic when it comes to meeting new friends she even somehow predicted the future

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Kai: Believe me Pinkie Pie is very energetic when it comes to meeting new friends she even somehow predicted the future. Patrick clearly. Also Knuckles... What the Heck?!

Knuckles: I couldn't help it! I wanted to blend in as a baby so people could spoil me!

Silvia: That's just creepy!

Skye: Remind us to beat you up later.

Meicoomon: Or we could do it now.

Glcheairs: I agree with you on that Skye. Anyway next one.

Craftycorn:(happy smile) Why thank you

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Craftycorn:(happy smile) Why thank you.

Bonnie: I would pick Jolteon.

Bleakness and Blackness kissed with blushes on their faces

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Bleakness and Blackness kissed with blushes on their faces.

Dusty: Adorable.

Flint: Indeed.

Freezy: Hey everyone!

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Freezy: Hey everyone!

Freezy's clone: Hi there!

Sunshine: Hi!

Kyle: Hey guys!

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Kyle: Hey guys!

Cozy Glow and the rest ate the smile dip.

Malcom: Not again!

News Reporter: Breaking news! Cozy Glow and the others have ate the smile dip and they are going crazy! Kai and the others are after them to calm them down. Further more to come.

Dragold: I expected that.

Sasha: Does this usually happen?

Arceus: You'll get used to it granddaughter.

Arceus: You'll get used to it granddaughter

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Amber appeared in the studio.

Amber: Hey guys!

Everyone(except Drazeros and his team): Hey Amber!

Flower: Hello everyone.

Pumpkin is about to eat the smile dip.

Dravise: Don't do it Pumpkin.

Pumpkin: Sorry it's a dare.

She ate it and went crazy.

News Reporter: Breaking News! A Umbreon just ate the smile dip and has gone crazy. Flower and the others are after her. Further news to come.

Sasha: I'm not eating the smile dip.

Drazeros gave Luna a scar as she had tears streaming down her face

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Drazeros gave Luna a scar as she had tears streaming down her face. Kai and Camilla both were furious and attacked him.

 Kai and Camilla both were furious and attacked him

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Luna: Thank you.

Sharp: So you're the infamous Drazeros

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Sharp: So you're the infamous Drazeros.

Drazeros: Indeed.

Bash: I have a feeling that we'll get along just fine.

Glcheairs: That's about it. I might make a sequel of this but who knows until next time!

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