Episode 25: Sweet N' Sour

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The hospital room door opened quietly as Sunghoon entered, carefully maneuvering his IV stand. Sunoo glanced up from his phone, raising an eyebrow.

"Aren't you supposed to be resting, big guy?" Sunoo asked, his tone neutral.

Sunghoon shrugged, wincing slightly. "You can kiss it and I'll be better than ever."

Sunoo rilled his eyes and shifted on the bed, making space without a word. Sunghoon sat down, leaning back against the pillows.

"How're you feeling?" Sunoo asked, eyes flicking to Sunghoon's bandaged torso.

"Been better," Sunghoon replied with a half-smile. "You?"

Sunoo looked up at him. "Getting there."

They sat in comfortable silence for a moment, the rhythmic beeping of monitors filling the room.

"Saw anything good?" Sunghoon asked, nodding at Sunoo's phone.

"Not really," Sunoo replied, pocketing the device. "But I heard about the new Deadpool movie."

Sunghoon hummed in acknowledgment. "The one with Wolverine?"

"Yep," Sunoo said, reaching for the remote. "Wanna watch it?"

"M'kay." Sunghoon murmured, burrowing his head on Sunoo's shoulders.

They settled in to watch the new Deadpool and Wolverine movie on Sunoo's phone. They shared earphones, heads close together as they enjoyed the film's humor and action sequences.

Halfway through, Sunoo paused the movie. "Wanna grab some coffee from the cafeteria?"

Sunghoon nodded, stretching carefully. "Yeah, I could use a change of scenery."

They slowly made their way to the elevator, each wheeling their IV stands alongside them. As the doors closed, Sunoo caught sight of their reflection and couldn't help but chuckle.

Sunghoon glanced at him. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing," Sunoo said, trying to keep a straight face, but his mouth was barely holding his smile.

"Come on, spill it," Sunghoon insisted, nudging Sunoo gently.

Sunoo grinned, gesturing to their reflection. "Look at us. We look like shit, holding our IVs."

Sunghoon snorted, a smile tugging at his lips. He leaned in closer to Sunoo, their shoulders touching.

Just then, the elevator stopped and an orderly stepped in. Sunoo and Sunghoon straightened up, suddenly very interested in the floor numbers changing.

At the cafeteria, they ordered coffee and flatbread, finding a quiet corner to sit. Sunoo pulled out his tablet again, offering an earbud to Sunghoon.

They resumed watching, sipping their coffee and sharing the flatbread. Despite the bustling cafeteria around them, they were in their own world, occasionally exchanging glances or quiet comments about the movie.


A notification suddenly popped up, yanking them back to reality. Sunoo's forehead creased as he read the message.

 Sunoo's forehead creased as he read the message

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