CHAPTER 8: Ripples in the water.

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The 13th of the Ryoikian May, 2534.

Frei carried the box of supplies into the backroom and put it down lightly...sighing heavily as she got back up.

"That everything?" She asked, looking back over at Steph, who place a similar box down and nodded. "Yep. Thanks for your help girly." He spoke. "Happy to help!" Frei replied...before she heard the bars doors open.

"Eh?" Steph exclaimed, before walking out from the storeroom, Frei following.

There was a group of...nasty looking men in the main room. All wearing rough clothes and covered in dust and grime. Outriders. People who lived outside of any major town or city on Volca.

"The bars not open today fellas." Said Steph, crossing his arms. "We didn't come to order." Hissed one of the Outriders, walking up to the counter. "Then what do you want?" Asked Frei, tilting her head and eyeing the man.

"...A few days ago, I sent a message out to my brother. He was the leader of the outrider group who had control over this town, as I'm sure you all remember...and when I didn't get a response, I came out to find you know what I saw when I investigated his base?" Said the Outrider.

"Can't say I do." Replied Steph. "His dead. Rotting. Corpse. Along with the bodies of many other dead Outriders. So, I figured...someone in this town had to have done it. Right? I came to find out who." Explained the Outrider.

"Your brother was a bastard who took our profits and terrorized our town, his death was deserved." Frei hissed. Prompting the Outrider to look at her. " gonna let your little girl over there run her mouth?" He asked, looking back at Steph. "Yeah. Cause she's right." He said.

Frei watched as the Outriders eyes seemed to strain, holding something back.

But he just smiled and turned around...then laughed.

" that's it then, huh?" He said...reaching to the overly large holsters on his sides.

"I'll make you talk." He threatened.

Frei wasn't sure what happened next, as she suddenly hit the hard wood of the bars floors, Steph holding her front. Using himself as a shield as bullets whizzed by.

The outrider soon came into view, but Frei quickly used her magic to fire a ball of condensed water at him. Stunning him.

Steph let go and got up. Tackling the Outrider down and wrestling with him.

Frei got up and jumped over the counter, running for the doors...before the other outriders grabbed her.

She struggled under the outriders, several of them grabbing at and hitting her. But they were stronger than her. And she soon found herself on the floor, her arms and legs tied.

She couldn't see much...only barely able to make out Stephs body, slumped and bleeding against a wall.

Frei heard the footsteps of the outrider grow closer, and he kicked her over. Before pointing one of his guns at her...a sort of modified SMG, turned into a machine pistol. Shorter barrel and no stock, along with a smaller magazine.

"You've got a nasty mouth, girl." Hissed the Outrider...but before he could speak again, there was a shout from outside...the sound of Frei's father.

"Come out with your hands up!!!" He shouted, making the main Outrider smirk. "Lets go see the rest of the town." He said, grabbing Frei, forcing her up...and putting his gun to her head. Before walking her towards the door.

A small group of rifle and shotgun wielding members of the town had gathered around the bars entrance, aiming at the door.

Once the Outrider existed the building with Frei, however...they lowered their weapons. With her father looking at her distress.

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