❣️моя навязчивая идея❣️

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-Russias POV-

"ISAIDITSAMERICAILOVE!!" I shouted out loud to my parents I quickly covered my mouth from embarrassment "Извините, мама и папа(Sorry Mom and Dad)" I whispered to my parents how I wish the earth would crack open and take me my thoughts were interrupted by my father "КАК ТЫ МОГ ПОПАСТЬСЯ НА ЭТУ СВИНЬЮ, ТЫ, чёрт побери, ПОЗОР, ПОЧЕМУ ТЫ НЕ МОЖЕШЬ ПОВЕДИТЬСЯ НА ВЬЕТНАМ ИЛИ ДАЖЕ В ЯПОНИЮ?(HOW COULD YOU FALL FOR THAT PIG YOU FUCKING DISGRACE WHY COULDN'T YOU FALL FOR VIETNAM OR HELL EVEN JAPAN)!!!" My father yelled out I only saw red "КТО, ЧЕРТ, ТЫ ДУМАЕШЬ, ТЫ ТЫ, ЁБЕННЫЙ МУДОЖОК, ЭТО МОЯ ЖИЗНЬ, ЕСЛИ Я ВЫБИРАЮ БЫТЬ С АМЕРИКОЙ, ЭТО МОЙ ВЫБОР, ЕСЛИ Я ВЫБИРАЮ ВСТАВИТЬ СВОЙ ЧЛЕН В НЕГО, ЭТО МОЙ ГРЕБАНЫЙ ВЫБОР, ТАК ЗАТКНИ СВОЙ ТУПИН, ОТЕЦ"(WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE ITS MY LIFE IF I CHOOSE TO BE WITH AMERICA ITS MY CHOICE IF I CHOOSE TO STICK MY DICK IN HIM ITS MY FUCKING CHOICE SO SHUT YOUR DUMBASS SELF FATHER")!!??" I felt how my mother slapped me across the face I couldn't help but hold back my tears from the pain "Who do you think you are Russland?" My mom said I could see his anger "I know you love him, but that is no reason to act like that to your father learn to respect him Russland." "Understood my child?" "Да, мама(yes mother)."

The rest of the ride home was silent no one looked or talked to each other I couldn't wait till Monday so I could see America I will be honest I acted out of line tho I need some time to cool off I might go to my shooting range after this to cool some steam off but for now at least I know

"Америка моя(America is mine)"

"All mine"


Hello everyone am back sorry I was gone for some months it just I got so busy with life and my mental health I took a break but soon forgot about this story but am back so I'll be posting soon!!!!!! Love you all and thank you for the support!!!<3

Have a great Day/Night!!! Remember you're perfect the way you are!

I'll be doing a Q&A soon so leave all your questions in the replies I'll look thru them and add them to the Q&A!!


Word count: 407

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23 ⏰

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