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Name: Anastasia/Anya Johnson

Think of her family as like the Kardashians but more interesting and actually famous for being talented lol. As for her story it's a fun one because she is in my imagination the actress who plays all of my Oc's. To make this possible I created a reality where all these movies are made in different years. 

For example, "The Outsiders" was made in 1983, but Johnson was born in '86 to make this possible. I added eighteen to 1986 and it gave me 2004, while yes, "The Outsiders" is way too good to be a 2000s movie. I like to think it was a very good movie this time. That's the easiest way I can explain it. That would also mean the original actors are 'younger', making them the same age they were during the filming, but they were born later. Like Ralph would be 22 in 2004 versus 1983. Same thing would go for any other films made in the 80s she would be in, even though there's only a few. 

Why didn't I make her an 80s actor? Because of "The Maze Runner" I really love that movie and really wanted my fame OC to have a role in it. So hence this idea. 

Her story would most likely be called "Fame!" Or "The Actress's Tale" as for her love interest....

I have a few ideas, Christian Bale was her original husband in the beginning stages of her creation, I've seen only a few of his movies. The Dark Knight trilogy, Newies, American Psyhco. But I think he's a wonderful actor and is crazy talented. 

Second was Ki Hong Lee, he's commonly known as Minho from the maze runner trilogy. I liked him because of his talents and looks. He's a super nice guy and he's not super famous but I feel like she wouldn't date or marry someone super, super famous. 

Third was Gus Halper, he's in a few things, Law and Order is one of them. But he's most commonly known to me anyway. As Mischa Bachinski in a 2016 production of Ride the Cyclone. Gus is not super famous but that's again the point. I feel like he'd make a good partner. 

If you have any other ideas, I'm open to them! These are just some of the ones I've come up with in my brain. 

This is Anastasia Alexandra Johnson, my Fame DR, the one that stared in it all.

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