Chapter 1- Hey one question, what the hell?!

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The moon was bright as it shined down on me, my yellow skin glistened with sweat as I stared at the ruins of my home. Why me..? How could this happen to me? The fire wasn't my fault, of course. Was it an electrical fire? I honestly didn't know, all I know one moment me and Gary were fast asleep and the next only I had escaped this tragedy. Poor Gary..left for dead by no other than me. Where would I even go now? How am I gonna pay for this awful damage? As questions and thoughts flooded my mind, I was quickly brought back to reality as I felt a slimy tentacle on my shoulder. I knew that arm from anywhere. As tears began to fill the corners of my eyes, I quickly turned around and hugged squidward tightly. I'm not too sure why I hugged him, but I needed someone at that moment. Squidward looked down at me, slightly shocked. He sighs softly before hugging me back softly, rubbing my back a bit as he does. "What happened here..?" *He asked softly, his tone was soft and low. I couldn't contain the tears at that point. I began to break down in his arms while gripping onto him tightly, hyperventilating quietly into his chest as my grip tightened. Squidward had a pitiful expression on his face as he reassured me everything would be fine. How could anything be fine?! I had just lost my best friend, my home..everything. I am in a devastating financial situation now, nothing is fine! I wanted to say something so badly, but each time I even attempted the words seemed to rot on my tongue. It felt like forever before I could even begin to speak. "T..The somehow caught on fire and..nothings left..not even Gary.." *I mumbled into his chest, the lump in my throat was slowly getting bigger and bigger. Squidward nods slowly before saying* " about you stay with me for now?" Without hesitation, I nod quickly. He smiles a bit before lifting me up bridal style and carrying me to his house.

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