Chapter Two. Guilty Pleasure

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Siobhan wipes her lips before looking down and finding residue of Mia's lipstick that she left behind when her lips touched the blondes.

She felt sick to her stomach a woman just kissed her.
But deep down she enjoyed it and wishes Reece never disturbed them.
But she couldn't let anyone know that.
Not even Mia.

She gives her head a shake and fixed her head before putting her cat woman mask back on and makes her way back inside, her wrist is still throbbing in pain.
But for the sake of this night, she had to try bury her head in the sand and get on with it.

She made her way back into the hall and already she felt all eyes were on her, especially Roger.
She could feel his eyes burning through her entire body as she made her way back over to him, when she eventually reached him, he pulled her in close enough he could talk to her enough that he could talk to her without anyone hearing.
"I told you everyone is looking at you, fucking slut."

She closes her eyes and breathes in.
He was right, they are all staring at me.
What was I thinking.

She opened her eyes and instantly her eyes met Mia's who tried to give her a look of sympathy.
Mia had been a puppet of Roger's for the last 20 years unbeknownst to anyone else around her, surely if anyone knew how Siobhan was feeling, it would be Mia.

Siobhan pulls her eyes away from her, not even acknowledging her and makes conversation with the established gentlemen that Roger was conversing with.

Come midnight, the ball was coming to an end. It was time for guests to leave. Reece and autumn and their partners were the last to leave.

Reece can tell his father is heavily intoxicated, as a young lad he knew the kind of man his father was under the influence of alcohol, part of him felt pity for Siobhan, but also a huge part of him felt she knew what she had gotten herself in for.

He turns to his father before trying to convince him to go straight to bed.
"Dad, remember you have golf in the morning with The Van Gould brothers. Try not to drink anymore tonight."

Roger turns to Reece and raises his voice through slurred words.
"Don't you fucking dare tell me what to do in my own house, boy. I suggest you piss off back to your own home."

Reece just simply rolls his eyes before turning his attention to Siobhan.
He says in a monotone voice.
He knows how much she hates when he calls her that and he goes out his way to call her it to annoy her.

She simply brushes him off.
Before him and Mia make their way to their taxi
Mia twists her neck to take one last look at Siobhan before blowing her a kiss.

She's got some nerve.

Autumn and winter are now saying their goodbyes, although Autumn had a rough time growing up with her dad, nothing she ever done was good enough for him, he did always favour her over his son.

"It was good to see you Mutton chops."

He leans over and to attempt to kiss on her on the cheek.
Autumn narrowly shifting her position to avoid any physical contact.

"Father, I can smell the whiskey from here. Please go get yourself cleaned up and go to bed."

He scoffs, as children he could easily control and manipulate the two siblings, however now they're both in their later 30s, they had become wise to his games.
They knew their father was a disgrace and would soon enough drink himself into an early grave.

With that, the couple leave to make their way home, Roger closes the door behind him before making his way to his kitchen, not even acknowledging Siobhan's presence, she follows him. She knows he's angry with her.

She tries to talk to him all the way to the kitchen with no reply.
He eventually reaches the kitchen and reaches for a bottle of whiskey before pouring it and taking one huge shot of it.

Siobhan is begging him to talk to her.
"Roger, I'm sorry. I should have known better and not worn the costume. Please talk to me"

As he swallows his whiskey, quick as a flash he slams the whiskey glass down on the counter causing it to smash into tiny shards of glass, he then brings his head up slowly to Siobhan, his eyes are black.

She's terrified. Before she gets the chance to back up a bit to give her a bit of distance between the two, he lunges at her and slams her against the kitchen wall with her hand around her throat.
She can feel his hot breathe on his face, he stinks of booze.
He then talks to her in a poisonous tone.

"You seem to forget your place in this house. You forget who I am fucking am, what I can do to people... What I've done to people.. I can make you disappear and no one will even question it. You're nothing Siobhan. You always will be. You belong to me."

Siobhan has her eyes shut tightly to stop tears flowing and allowing him to see her frightened, she's shaking in fear though, she can't physically control herself.

With one hand still around her throat, he slams the other hand hard against the wall by her ear, making her jolt in terror.

He screams at the top of his lungs in her face.

She can't stop herself crying now, but she still doesn't open her eyes.
"Yes Roger!!! Yes !! I understand!! Please stop!!!"

He then loosens his grip from her and steps back before rubbing his jaw.
"Good. Don't you ever forget what I'm capable of, you stupid little bitch."

He looks her up and down, she still has her catwoman outfit on.

"Get the fuck upstairs and take that hideous costume off before I drag you upstairs and rip it off."

She doesn't wait around, she makes a run for it upstairs to the bedroom were she closes the door behind her, she felt safe for now atleast.

As she stands with her back against the door, she's trying to elevate her breathing, she can barely catch her breath.
She runs her fingers through her hair.
She knew she wouldn't be in for a good night with Roger.

As she sits down at the Vanity table to remove her make up off, she couldn't stop thinking of the kiss she had tonight with Mia.

She felt so guilty.
Not guilty because she essentially cheated on Roger.
Guilty because she enjoyed kissing a woman.
Quite the guilty pleasure, really.

But no one could ever know her deepest secret.
If this got it, it could ruin her.
If it got out, he could kill her.

As she slips into her silk pyjamas for the evening she hears the dreaded foot steps coming up the stairs.
Each time it got closer, the more scared she got, making her body stiffen up.

Roger kicks the door open and stands there swaying for a few minutes looking at Siobhan with a bottle of whiskey in his hand.

She's sat back down at her vanity table and reaches out to him.


He leans against the frame of the door to hold his balance up and unzips his zipper from his trousers before looking at the bed then back at Siobhan.

"Get on the fucking bed."
He violated her against her consent two times that evening.
All she could do was cry into her pillow.

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