calling russia ruski infront of america

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Mexico: hey indo

Indo: hey mex

Mexico: i have a dare for you

Indo: sure what is it

Mexico: i dare you to call russia ruski infront of...america

Indo: What!? Yk america hate's it when someone call's russia ruski even if they are enemy's

Mexico: what to chicken to do it *grins*

Indo: what!? Me chicken ofcourse no i'll do it pst beside it's not like America is gonna kill me or anything *sweats*

Mexico: oh he will *mumbles*

Indo: what did you say?

Mexico:!? I said good luck


With russia and America

America: shut up stupid thats why nobody like you! *yells*

Russia: at lest people don't thinks im annoying! *yells back*

Russia: whatever just don't talk to me *turns around *

America: fine whatever *turns around aswell*

*indonesia walks in*

Indo: hey ruski!

Russia: *closing his eyes* i said don't talk to me

America: i didn't talk to you commie-

Indo: hey ruski *gulp*

Russia: *opens eyes* i said don't talk-... oh hey indonesia-...wait what did you call me


America: *turns around to face the two*...what did you call him!?

Indo:!????? U-uh..r-ruski *sweats*

Russia: i-..*phones ring* oh will i gotto get this *walks away*

Indo: oh funge why did he left me,"indo thought"

America: *face is dark*

Indo: *gulped* u-uh i-i think m-exico's calling me *laugh nervously and was about to walk away when*

America: *pulls indo and push him to the wall* listen buddy no one call's him that except me got it!

Indo: *nods fastly* g-got it! *shakes a little*

America let him go and indo runs away in a flash

Russia: *returns* hey where is indo kapitalis

America: idk he just run off!? *acting clueless*

Russia: ok..then


Idk if this is funny or not

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