Chapter 19

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Meerab's car led the way, with Murtasim's closely following as they headed towards her apartment. As they arrived, Meerab abruptly stopped her car, got out, and walked over to Murtasim's car. Her eyes were a mix of concern and confusion as she demanded, "What's all of this, Murtasim? Are you seriously suspecting Rayyan to be the killer? He can't be. I know that."

Murtasim, equally perplexed, nodded slowly. He understood her disbelief but couldn't ignore the troubling coincidences linking Rayyan's meetings with Meerab to the recent attacks on her. "Let's go inside and talk," he suggested, his tone gentle yet firm.

He stepped forward, and Meerab, still troubled, followed him. Inside the apartment, the dim lighting cast shadows that seemed to dance with their emotions. Meerab led him to the living room, where they both sat down, the weight of the situation settling heavily on their shoulders.

"Now tell me, which four actresses are missing?" Meerab asked, her voice edged with urgency and fear.

Murtasim took a deep breath, his expression stiff yet filled with concern. "Meerab, I can't share the details with you right now. It's confidential, and knowing too much could put you in even more danger. You just need to be careful. Things aren't safe at the moment," he said, his voice steady.

Meerab's anxiety deepened, her eyes searching his for answers. "Does any of this have to do with me?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Murtasim paused and looked at her before speaking. "There's always something common between the victims that the investigating team uses to get to the culprits. Unfortunately, there are many things common here. All of the victims were actresses. They were all taking sessions from the same psychiatrist. They all had some sort of disorder, and..." Murtasim hesitated, his gaze steady but troubled. "And, like you, they were all preparing for their comeback after being caught in a scandal," he explained, watching as Meerab turned pale.

"This... all of this could just be a coincidence, right?" Meerab asked, her voice quivering with fear.

Murtasim sighed and shook his head. "Rayyan said the same thing, and it's easy to believe it's just a coincidence. But there's a pattern here, and patterns don't lie, Meerab. Remember, all killers or criminals work according to a pattern, which eventually leads to their capture. Criminal profilers don't call this a coincidence; they call it the assailant's psychological state," Murtasim said, his voice firm yet filled with concern.

Meerab took a deep breath, her heart palpitating. "I'm scared, Murtasim," she admitted, her voice trembling.

Murtasim looked at her, his expression softening. "Don't think too much about this. We're working on it, and for now, we just need to stay vigilant," he said, trying to reassure her. He got up and walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water for Meerab.

As he handed her the water, Murtasim continued, "You need to stay calm and focus on your work. Panicking won't help. Just don't go anywhere without Zain, okay?" His voice was firm but reassuring.

Meerab nodded, feeling a bit more grounded. "Okay. I understand."

Murtasim gave her a light nod. "Now, try to get some rest. You need your strength. I'll be here, keeping watch," he said, his voice soothing.

Meerab glanced at him. "Thank you, Murtasim," she whispered, before heading to her bedroom.

Murtasim watched her go, his mind swirling with questions and concerns. He noticed the door was left slightly ajar as he settled into the sofa in the living room, the weight of the night pressing down on him. He leaned back, closing his eyes and sighing deeply, trying to gather his thoughts and stay alert.

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