Chapter 24

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"That motherfucker chopped off your fingers?" Nick's eyes widen, his disbelief clear as he takes the bourbon I pour for him from beneath my desk.

I nod, taking a long sip from my own glass. The burn of the alcohol is a welcome distraction from the chaos swirling in my mind. 

"And you're crazy enough to kidnap and have sex with his daughter?" Nick continues, his voice tinged with awe and concern. 

"I didn't kidnap her," I growl, my jaw tightening. "I'm just keeping her where I know she's safe."

"Yeah, a location that her father doesn't know. Sounds a lot like kidnapping to me."

I know it looks bad, but he doesn't know the severity of the situation. I'm a fucking saint compared to the other men I've suspected of trying to kidnap her.

"We're merely in hiding until shit is cleared up. Besides, her father just started calling last night."

Nick glances at the corner of my desk where the burner continues to vibrate with Andre's relentless calls. "That's the buzzing I've been hearing? Fuck, you're ignoring him too? Knox, he's going to fucking kill you, man. You've made an enemy with one of the most powerful men in the US."

"You know I'm not afraid of him, Nick. It's her I can't bear to lose."

Nick leans forward, his eyes narrowing with a seriousness that matches my own. "Knox, you know how this will end. Andre sure as hell won't allow you to live after all of this."

"I know," I mutter, staring into my glass. The reality of the situation is as clear as the bourbon in my glass. The sands in the hourglass are slipping away, faster than I care to admit. 

Nick sighs, running a hand through his hair. "I say drop her off at somewhere, notify her father of where she is, and leave the fucking country. I know he has men searching everywhere for you, and it's only a matter of time before they find you."

I shake my head. "I can't do that. He's been trying to pawn her off to fucking sexual predators. That's why he's so insistent on finding her. She's the key to him having more power."

His expression twists with disgust, but then sympathy flickers in his gaze. "And you're willing to die for her?"

Yes. A million fucking times yes. 

From the look on my face, he knows my answer. He just nods in understanding. 

Pulling out a leather folder from his coat, he slides it across the desk. "I watched the video surveillance from the bakery, then did some digging of my own. I couldn't find much on the 'Shadow man', but I have an idea who might know something." He opens the folder and points to a file. "Trenton Barnes. Do you recognize him?"

My jaw clenches at the name. "Yeah, Natasha's ex."

A stupid motherfucker who broke her heart.

"He's a coke addict. His father is rich, and cut him out of the family business because of his addiction. Whoever ordered the grab, paid him $50,000 for any information he had on her. Trenton's been stalking Natasha online for months using fake social media accounts. It's probably how those men knew exactly when to make their move."

Anger simmers beneath my skin, my blood boiling with the need for retribution. Tonight, Trenton Barnes is going to get a visit. It's a risk going back to Chicago, but I need to know exactly what information he gave up and to whom. I know how the 'Shadow man' operates, but if there's a slight chance Trenton may know his identity, I need to find out. 

Of course, before I kill him for putting my baby girl in danger and previously cheating on her.

Nick sees the wheels turning in my head and he gives me a knowing look. "Just be careful, Knox. You have a target on your fucking head right now."

I nod. "I will. Do you think you could narrow down who the 'Shadow man' might be?"

I did promise Brandon's love interest could come to visit if his brother wasn't a suspect. 

"Yes, Caden Abramov might be a rich dickhead, but he's harmless. Too busy obsessing over himself to retaliate for Natasha rejecting him. I mean, the money he spends on clothing and skincare a month is literally insane."

"Do you know where he was that night?" I ask, my tone hard with rekindled hatred towards that sorry son of a bitch. 

"From his bank statements, he was at some fancy French restaurant. Spent almost $300, so either he was on a date with another woman or he has the appetite of a garbage disposal."

That's somewhat of a relief. I can always come back to kill him after this is all over. 

"What about her father or Danio Russo?" 

Nick frowns. "Those two, I couldn't get any information on. If either of them were involved, there is no trail, at least not a noticeable one."

Which means one of them definitely is. 

"Damn it, we have to keep digging," I mutter. But then I look at my friend. "Thank you, man. I know it's always risky hacking into shit like you do. I appreciate everything."

Nick leans back, his eyes softening. "Always, brother. You know, I saw it in her eyes out there. She's in love with you too. I just wish everything could work out because you deserve happiness for once in your life. I've known the grumpy version of you forever, but you're different with her. It's nice to see."

His words hit like a punch in the gut. He sees an emotion I wouldn't have been able to recognize myself, though I've already laid claim to her. Maybe that's why I crave it so much when she calls me Daddy. Her trust, her dependence—I fucking love it. I live to protect her, to ensure she's safe and cared for. 

She's my woman. She needs me, yet she seems to be the one who seems to hold all the power. I'd burn the fucking world down for her, and she wouldn't even have to ask.

I love her. 

It's so goddamn selfish, but I'm in love with her. There's no slowing down this train, even if it's headed full-speed to my own destruction.

When we emerge from my office, my little temptress is sitting on the couch next to Brandon, nearly chewing her lip off. She looks relieved when I walk Nick to the door. 

Nick turns to say goodbye. "Well, it nice meeting you, Natasha and Brandon. I hope to see you again soon, hopefully under normal circumstances." He looks at me, emotion glinting in his eyes. "We'll keep in touch, brother."

I nod. "We will, I promise."

Until the very end. 

Once he drives away, I pull Natasha into my arms. I drink in her scent, inhaling it until the anxiety and rage quiets inside me. 

"Is everything okay?" she asks, her voice muffled against my chest. 

No. Not until I know she's safe again. 

Usually I can find time to track down my targets, but I can't afford to spend any days away from Natasha. Not when every second I spend with her is precious. 

"Babygirl, do you happen to remember Trenton Barnes's number?" I ask, trying to maintain my composure. 

She pulls back slightly, her eyes wide with curiosity. "I think so. Why?"

"I need to have a discussion with him."

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