Every Adventure Requires a First Step

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The Stardust room is on the second floor, squished uncomfortably between two private suites (labeled Isabelle and Adam, respectively). Located directly across from a janitor's closet, the door opens without a key- merely sparkles, when Red touches the handle. Like she's some kind of magical being. When she enters the dorm, she immediately hates herself for liking it so much.

The beds are front and center, located precariously in the middle of the room instead of against the walls; and they're almost touching each other... which is fine. It's not like being two feet away from Chloe every night for a freaking month is going to affect Red in any way, shape, or form.

"Castlecoming is where my parents met."


"It's where the prank is going to take place- the one that ruined your mom's life."

"November 16th... that seems far away. What's today?"

"The 10th."

"Okay. So, that's what- six days? We can do the 10th."

"... of October."



"Okay, perfect."

There are green vines crawling up the bedposts, with the soft glow of an old lantern as the only source of light. Blue-green windows in the far corner. Checkerboard pillows: two per bed. The comforters are blue as well; dark blue, with gold trim- really pretty, honestly- and the theme continues up the bed frames and onto the ceiling. There's gold everywhere, but it isn't the tacky, fake kind. It's more of the soft, twilight kind of yellow. Like when you're on a beach, curled up in a damp towel with your feet in the sand. The kind where- as the water crashes up ahead, cascades of pinks and oranges splaying out across the sky- deep in your mind, you get the feeling that everything is going to be okay.

Red has never been to the beach.

She's also never been to a school. Or a party. Or a dance. Come to think of it, she hasn't done much at all; nothing except cry in the middle of a stupid potion's elective, that is, before promptly avoiding all other forms of social interaction by taking solace in the garden.

It's actually really nice.

(One point- Merlin. Negative two- Red).

According to Red's watch, classes are long since over. She's missed the majority of her 'required' courses: Art, history, fencing...


Maybe Chloe can get my homework for me. That way, I don't fall behind.

The minute the thought runs through her mind, Red is immediately smacking herself on the forehead. Tumbling face down onto the bed, she groans into the covers.

"Yeah, because that's the important thing, right now: School," she mutters. "Not the fate of Chloe's mom or the future of Auradon Prep or the state of Wonderland. How selfish can you even be- crying over idiotic things and making a big deal out of literally nothing." She smacks her fist on the bed, practically screaming into the comforter. "Oh, so, she was nice to you?! She wanted to hug you?! Boo- Hoo!" Red rolls her eyes. "Get over it, already. Grow a freaking spine-"

"Who are you talking to?"

Red's entire body goes rigid. Her brain is running through a list of adequate excuses- None of your business. Get lost. Go away- when she registers the speaker.

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