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When we get outside my apartment and out of the building, he simply grabs ahold of my waist tightly and says, "Hold on tight, and I apologize in advance my Lady!" Before I can ask what he's doing, I see him lift his hammer to the sky and a burst of light lands on us, refracting in thousands of tiny rainbows and I suddenly and surprisingly feel warm and at home in the bifrost. I scrunch my eyebrows together, not knowing how I knew this was the bifrost, but the thought left my mind when we suddenly were bathed in bright sunlight as we stood on the balcony of the Avenger's Tower. I look up at Thor, about to ask a question, but he seems lost in thought at the sight of me.

I shake my head and walk toward the doors of the balcony quickly, wanting this encounter to be over already. I throw open the doors and eveyone stops talking, the room going silent as I speak, slightly annoyed at this so-called meeting already, even though it hasn't yet started. "Alright, where's he at? He wanted to speak to me?" The Avengers look at each other and then back at me, and then the Metal Man himself walks in, completely oblivious to the fact I was standing here. I clear my throat loudly at him and cross my arms over my chest, my foot tapping on the tile floors in annoyance.

His head snaps up to mine and he blinks, seemingly confused, and I raise an eyebrow at him as I say, "What? Have you never seen anyone other than these guys? I'm just a normal person, like you, nothing special about me so I don't know why you all are looking at me like that." Tony shakes his head and then says, "No, you are something special because that way into the Tower is only used by Thor when he comes in through the bifrost, and we're all staring at you like this because none of us have ever travelled through the bifrost without being even a little bit sick afterwards and you come up in here, throwing open doors and demanding to know where I am. You are completely unfazed, and it's peculiar."

I roll my eyes at him and then I say in a 'duh' tone, "It's because of my magic, dumbass, you should know that with how much you spy into other people's lives. Because I have magic, the bifrost doesn't affect me. Like Thor. It doesn't affect him, does it?" I look out at their faces and then I nod. "Mhm, that's what I thought." I stand there with my arms still crossed over my chest when Thor speaks quietly, still in thought. "The only people to ever travel the bifrost without dizziness, nausea, or headaches are Asgardian, but this doesn't make any sense because she's....." His words trail off as he turns and walks away from the group and down a hallway. I blink a couple times in confusion as I watch him go.

*Asgardians are the only ones who can do that? But I did it and I'm not Asgardian...right?*
I look back at Tony. "Okay, I'm here, so what on earth did you want to talk about so bad that you interrupted my drinking time?" I say, still annoyed. He sighs and then says, "It's about your magic. When you let out that blast, as Thor says, you actually sent a wave of energy through the whole of New York, and those who are smart enough felt it, which isn't very many people, but of those people who noticed.....Zemo saw it and now he's interested in what made this disturbance.....This means that you now have a target on your back and Zemo along with HYDRA will be hunting you down and trying to capture you. I just wanted to let you know all this so you can decide what you want to do."

I nod once. "So this guy who I don't even know is trying to capture me to study and possibly torture me because of my magic and it's all my fault because I sent that blast out and now you guys have to deal with it, so what am I supposed to do, help you?" I scoff at him and then turn to go find Thor. "I will not involve myself with the likes of you...Stark.." I say his name hatefully, my voice laced with venom as I remember the last time that he offered to 'help' me and my family. I stalk off down the same hallway as Thor and I look around aimlessly trying to find him. I grumble and let my magic rise to my skin, making it look like I have sleeves of lightning running up and down my arms that are constantly moving. I close my eyes and when I open them again, I don't see a hallway, but instead heat signatures from behind the walls. I ignore the ones above and below me because I know they are just the lights. My eyes dart around and I'm sure that they look completely white now because that's how they normally are when I use my heat vision, but I look until I finally find what I'm looking for.

I feel myself smirk, knowing I got it, but it really wasn't that hard to find Thor because he has a very large heat signature, but I guess that's just because he's a naturally large person. I let my heat vision drop as I walk to the room he's in and I see the door is closed. I knock quietly, knowing he'll know it's me, and I wait not even two seconds before he opens the door looking concerned. "My Lady, we need to speak." Before I can get in a snarky comment about his greeting, he pulls me into the room and shuts the door behind us quickly.

I look around confused, but after my eyes inscessantly flick around the room, they finally land on a figure sitting on the bed. "oh.." I gasp quietly, not expecting there to be anyone else in the room and also not expecting how gorgeous this man sitting in front of me is.

He's stretched out languidly on the bed, his posture practically oozing with grace and dominance. Odd combination, I know, but that's the only way I can desribe this man in front of me. His hair was slicked back in what seemed like oils, and they put off a musky kind of scent my nose found appealing and it was just right, not too strong and not so weak you couldn't smell it. His eyes, a bright emerald green, were fixed on mine, and his thin, pink-ish lips were pulled up into a smirk, and I suddenly felt like I would listen to whatever command this man says just because of how every bit of his body appeals to mine.

It takes me a second to realize he's talking to me, and I blink and look back up at his face and I hear him say in a sultry, sensual tone, "It's rude to stare Darling.." I felt my face heat slightly at the name, but I say nothing about it and simply look down at my feet, muttering a quick apology. His voice was so alluring, I could listen to it for hours. He had a slight, lilted accent, and it almost sounded British, but I was sure that it wasn't because this man was clearly not from this realm.

His voice was sensual and soothing and it was like listening to water from a stream trickle over small rocks and pebbles in it's path. It was captivating, and I couldn't help but think about it. I look up again at Thor and I say quietly, "Y-You needed to talk?" I curse myself silently for stuttering but I keep my face neutral, well, as neutral as I can get it with the knowledge of the man sitting on the bed, who is now behind me. He nods and then walks over to the chair opposite the bed and then says, "You may wish to sit for this conversation my Lady..."

I look around the room and see no where that was available BUT the bed, but I did not want to sit on the bed next to that man out of fear of what it would do to me mentally. Just being this close to him and being able to smell whatever it is that is giving off that heavenly scent is making my hormones go crazy and my mind foggy. Seeing my hesitation, the man on the bed gracefully curls in on himself and leans to one side of the bed, leaning against the headboard, giving me space to sit at the foot of the bed.

I mutter a quick, "..thank you.." and I sit, leaning against the footboard and curling my legs up under my body, sitting on one hip. I look between Thor and the man on the bed in silent question and he nods once and says, "Right, this is my brother, Loki, the one I told you about earlier...he's here because I needed his help with something regarding you, my Lady..." I look between Thor and Loki confused. "Me? W-What about me?..." I say softly. Thor is the first to speak and he speaks in a quiet voice, "You were able to pass through the bifrost with no issue, and the only people in all the Nine Realms that can do that, are Asgardians, so I called on the council of my brother in this matter.."

I look between the two of them confused and frantic. I didn't want to be shipped off to some strange new place just because I turned out to be one of them. I didn't want to have to go through that again. I feel my breath hitch and my heartbeat start to race, and I feel Loki's emotions waver just slightly. "Do not worry, you do not have to stay in Asgard if you do not wish, but if it turns out you are, you may have to because we age very differently compared to other races. But first we just need to get you to Asgard so Mother can take a look at you, I know she's practically itching to finally meet you and see what your sedir is truly capable of.." I feel myself immediately relax at his words, and I know that I should not, but some part of me trusts this silver tongue completely.

I nod once after getting my breathing back under control and I then speak, more to Loki than Thor, but he doesn't show that it bothers him. "O-Okay, I'll go with you to Asgard so I can find out the truth, about myself, my heritage, my magic, all of it...that IS what we're going to do right?" Loki nods and I relax again. "Okay.." I mutter, suddenly feeling sleepy. Almost starting to panic, I try to raise my magic so it sits on my skin, but it flickers softly and then falls back under the surface and retreats back into whatever dark corner it came from and I feel a little frightened. "U-Um guys, I'm about 2% right now.....I-I need to get" I trail off already feeling my eyelids start to droop from overuse of magic with that accidental spell. Thor and Loki look at each other, confused at my words, and I explain as quickly as I can and as efficiently as I can in my semi-conscious state. "...the way I measure my magic is like a phone battery......if it gets below a certain point I get a 'warning' to recharge, which is normally my body saying that it's tired and I need a nap.....b-but when I use to much with that accidental spell I sent out......sorry, by the way....but when I use too much magic, it depletes my magic stores quick, and once I get down to under '5%' that's normally when I feel super tired and I will actually just fall asleep wherever I'm standing.....kinda sucks if I'm being honest....." I give a weak chuckle as I feel myself drifting off and my body falls to the side, heading straight for the floor. The last thing I feel before passing out is a pair of strong, lean arms catching me just before I hit the floor.

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