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                  The devils within

Seulgi can still remember that morning, two years ago. She fell sick at the very last moement for which Jisoo had to leave alone. She should've just accompanied her to school that day, she has her own regrets
But she has to accept, after Jisoo was gone, things have become very different. The entire school changed their perspective about her, she has just lost her younger sister, people started noticing her, sympathy flooded their eyes whenever they saw her. The neighbors greeted her, recognized her presence. The night they found her remains, her father came to her room and they sobbed together. They bonded over losing their favorite person and things were never the same. Her father started cherishing her like she was Jisoo, like she has always been his golden child. The kind of bond she always wished she had. And she can finally feel blessed, she can feel lucky, she can feel what Jisoo used to feel. She is the new Jisoo in everyone's life
And now she even has a boyfriend, she has been seeing her for a month now. She told her father about him because he was the closest to him
“How could you?” he says in dismay
“I don’t know how it happened, I was there for him and he was there for me all this time and it just happened, dad. I am sorry” she says
Her dad hugs her, no sign of hatred or anger. She is all he has left now, he can’t lose her too
“You deserve a good man. And I know for a fact that Jungkook is the nicest man out there. Don’t lose him” he says and starts sobbing again
Sometimes Seulgi thinks to herself, that maybe it was all for the good, the fact that Jisoo doesn’t exist in their lives anymore. Otherwise, none of this would’ve ever happened.
Maybe it was for the good but then she gets burdened by regrets for even thinking like that.

Present time

Taehyung has been scanning through files the entire evening, something about a mystery friend that she started seeing a week before her disappearance. Why has no one come forward and claimed to see Jisoo before her disappearance because she for sure saw this person right before she vanished. Why didn't this person come foward?
"Mystery friend, mystery friend" he kees repeating on his own

He looks at all the files, all the previous records
And he still is not able to figure out the mystery friend neither is he able to solve the mystery of the bone. For all he knows is that after the DNA test they gave it back to her family and they cremated it.
I am missing something. Something obvious

Seulgi, he reads her report. She always lived in the shadows before her disappearance and now—he reads the statement again. She is dating her boyfriend, Jungkook?

He finds this Jungkook character sketchy. He rummages through the files to find his report.

He was her only boyfriend and they had plans to spend the entire summer together. "Hm, interesting" he says

The next day, he calls in Jungkook for interrogation

“We had it all planned out. I don’t see any reasons why she would run away or even get kidnapped. None. But I wish I could see her one last time. To say sorry. Sorry that we fought the last time I saw her. I am sorry Jisoo, I shouldn’t have raised my voice on you” he says

“Why did you raise your voice on her?” Taehyung gets intrigued. How can anyone yell at that girl?

“We were dating for a while and I wanted us to get engaged after graduating. I know I freaked her out by asking her so soon but we have been together forever. And it was just an engagement, I thought. But the way she reacted and started talking about her family and her ambitions, it made me feel as if getting engaged to me would take away from her dreams. But that wasn’t true. She would’ve been able to fly high by my side, I just didn’t want to lose her and that’s why I ended up yelling at her.
She was always so perfect and I know she had her own struggles but I kept hearing that she has been secretly meeting with someone before school everyday. You see, we two, we never keep secrets. And I got afraid, and popped the question, I just should’ve trusted her. I shouldn’t have put her through that. And trust me I wanted to say sorry but by the time I realized my mistake she was gone” he says looking down the entire time

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