grabbing him by the collar (chapter 8)

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The door that is still standing swing open and Charlie dances in.

WIlliam falls flat on his back from the sound with the skulls around his head floating away in random directions. Angel Dust, Vaggie, and Cassidy fall on their butts, no longer restrained by William. Cassidy then crawling to William and grabbing him by his collar.

"How dare you try to get sympathy you low life rotten murderer" said Cassidy, as she slammed his head against the ground repeatedly.

Charlie seeing things inside the hotel are not going ok, rushes to Cassidy to get her off of William who is still dazed from landing on his back.

"Whoo, Whoo, Whoo girl. Inside the hotel you can't fight with others! Just like he can't shoot you or attack you, you can't attack him either." Charlie said, holding Cassidy while Cassidy tries to break free to claw at William.

Cassidy then responds with "He can't keep getting away with this! He escaped his death thrice! He needs to pay for what he did to us!"

"Oh, but I am." William said being behind to two while Charlie and Cassidy were distracted with their augment. "Why do you think I am here? do you think this is some sort of vacation? or a private island perhaps? No. This is hell! the place of the dammed and the place to be tortured for all eternity! This is not rest of me. and do you really think the suit was a pleasurable time? unlike you who was stabbed and stuffed. I had to feel every inch of me was pierced and shredded. Then the fires, oh the fires. It just compounded the pain feeling like I was burning and chard even after I was extinguished. But no, you need to have you "justified" revenge when I was dead and suffered. That is why you are here not for some god approved revenges. but because you are just as bad as me."

Cassidy then began to cry. Not because of fear of her kill or sadness for being in hell, but from frustration she could not beat this monster to a pulp because this woman that knows nothing. That the man that has cause so much pain and grief for her is just inches away, but she can't do anything about it.

William ignoring the crying person, claps his hands together. "So, Charlie." William grabs Cassidy by the back collar of her dress and places her on the ground while she is still crying, then he guides Charlie away from Cassidy. "What is this big news that you wanted to share? Before you saw the now sorted out, calamity."

Charlie then gets a little brighter happy to share the positive development, "Well, my dad called and said the leader of the angel wants to meet him and that I could take his place." Charlie then starts to hyperventilate from excitement to meet the leader of the Angel Army.

William then replies, "That is good to hear. You should get going so you are not late, and we will make a new ad while you are gone."

Charlie happy that she has the confidents from other starts singing happy day in hell as she leaves the hotel.

Vaggie not really understanding what is going on now "Why is Charlie sing? What is happening!?" Angel dust responding to Vaggie "I don't know, but she is already halfway down the street."

Vaggie now snapping out of it and seeing the crying Cassidy on the floor goes to pick her up and cradle her to have Cassidy calm down. "What did you do William!? Why is she crying!"

"I did nothing, I just pointed out that I have suffered for my crimes and that she should stop seeking revenge on me." William replies.

Vaggie then says, "Yeah, sure you were but we don't have time you we need to make the ad." Husk finally wakes up with Vaggie saying ad.

It then cuts to one of the rooms with William holding Niffty while she talks about stabbing with Vaggie being the camera man. Vaggie then says,"Ok so William you will say "So, housekeep how clean are the rooms?" and Niffty you will say, "They are the cleanest in hell."

WIlliam now placing Niffty on the ground as she as calmed down, they both respond with, "got it."

Vaggie then says, "Ok then, Action." Vaggie then puts the camera to her eye and starts recording.

William goes on to say his lines, "Hello housekeep Niffty, how clean are the room in this hotel."

Niffty does not react she just stares at the camera with a blank expression.

Vaggie confused on why Niffty is just staring at camera and not delivering her lines, " uh, cut?"

Niffty then snaps back to herself and is giggling to herself saying, "Did I do well?"

Vaggie responds with, "well you need to actually say you lines when the camera is on, so we are going to do it again, ok'"

Niffty says ok to this and Vaggie says,"Ok, let's do it again, ok and action."

William redelivers his lines and says, "Hello housekeep Niffty, how clean are the room in this hotel."

Niffty once again does not respond to William, she just stares at the camera doing and saying nothing.

Vaggie now frustrated that Niffty is not saying her lines and that she can't make progress on the ad, so she says, "cut. maybe I can fix it in post."

William not liking that he is doing his job perfectly and not having any progress made says, "Can I get a different partner"

Vaggie frustrated say, "Yeah sure fine whatever you can do the ad with whoever!"

Angel Dust who had just entered the rooms hearing what both William and Vaggie said get up close to William and says, "I can be you partner, honey." With angel Dust trying to boop WIlliam's nose. WIlliam pushes him away and says, " No, I would rather be partners with husk and his inability to read lines."

William Afton in Hazbin Hotel hellWhere stories live. Discover now