Telescope room

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After the day in the planetarium, I started spending more time with Rajesh's friends - Amy, Penny, and Bernadette. They were all kind to me and they all seemed fun too. 

"How was your weekend? Bernadette told me you guys went to their house to build a play house."

"Yes, it was enjoyable." Rajesh smiled at me "Well, even though Sheldon was being irritating. But he is always like this, so nothing new."

I laughed a little. Yes, I barely knew Sheldon, but from what I saw and heard, he looked like a difficult guy. But in the end, he was probably a nice one, otherwise, he wouldn't have nice friends or a wife. 

"But the thing now is with Leonard" He sighs "President Siebert gave him the power to decide who gets the administrative funds from the university."

"And you want that?"

"Yes, of course" He looked at me like basically saying 'isn't it obvious?' which made me laugh "But instead of being a good friend and giving it to me as an earlier Christmas present, he said to me I needed to fill a form to get a chance to receive it."    

"I understand your frustration" His pout is so cute "But Leonard is correct. He was given an important responsibility and must think seriously before deciding who to give the money to. I bet the president wouldn't be happy if he just gave you because you are his friend."

He sighs again.

"Well, I will fill out the form anyway, I want the funds for my research."

"And how is the money going to help in research?"

"Well, with the money we will upgrade the software in the telescope, which will help me a lot in my studies."

I start to imagine how the telescope in a university is. I had one at my house, but it was a very simple one, I couldn't start to imagine what a university telescope would look like. 

"Do you want to see it?"


He smiled at me in a way that made my heart melt.

"You look like you want to see the telescope. If you want to see it I'll show you."


"Why would I offer something I wouldn't do?"

I didn't know how to answer this question so I just nodded, showing how I wanted to go. 

Opening the door, he motions me to follow him.


Entering the room, I see something different from what I had expected. I must have had a confused look since Rajesh's next question was:

"Are you disappointed?"

"No, just surprised."

"Were you expecting something different?"

"Kind of." I look around the room trying to explain my vision "I expected it to be darker. And with fewer files" I point to a table full of papers "I don't know. I just expect something more mystical and not so cozy as it is."

He gives a small laugh and sits in a chair in front of a computer then pushes a chair near him and signals for me to sit, which I happily do.

"This is where I keep track of the celestial bodies. Each number represents a different type of activity."

I nod.

"Can you see the pictures of what you keep track?"

"Sometimes. But most of the work here is done by analyzing the data collected by the telescope and then developing explanations for why the phenomenons are happening the way they are."

"It sounds difficult." I keep looking at the computer with numbers I can fathom to explain what they are. "I feel so dumb looking at the numbers without comprehending what it is."

"You shouldn't" He smiles "I know what these numbers mean because I have studied my whole life them. Besides, sometimes things occur in the sky and I don't know why it happens. My job is to find an explanation for things I can't comprehend. So don't feel dumb." He sighs "I think you are pretty smart."

"Do you?"

"Well you speak a lot of languages and you are a quick learner. I usually don't have to explain things to you more than once."

"This is because you are a patient and good teacher." I smile, looking into his eyes "Most of the scientists that I worked with have neither of these traits."

He stares at my eyes and somehow I feel that the mood is different. My heart starts to beat fast and I feel it may stop once I see his face getting near to mine. However, whatever was happening was interrupted by the sound of his phone.

"Excuse me."He says, looking at his phone "I have to answer it." 

Saying this he leaves, leaving me cursing myself for having such thoughts about an engaged guy. 


After some days on the telescope incident, I meet Raj again and he seems pretty upset about something.

"Let me guess" I smile "Leonard didn't pick your project."

"He didn't," He says "I'm so mad at him!"

"You shouldn't be. I guess he chose what he thought was going to be better for the university."

"That is the problem, he didn't do that! You know, he had narrowed down three projects, mine, Kriple, and the crow lady." He says quickly and with anger in his tone "And instead of picking one of these three, he got mad and ended up buying a laser for him!"

I feel my eyes grow wide.

"Well, I guess you have a reason to be angry with him." I pick up my things in the bag "I just hope that the crow lady is a nice one."


"Well, crows can be lovely birds." I sit "But only if you are nice to them. If you mistreat them, they will never forget you."

"You seem to know a lot about crows."

"I do. I love 'The Raven' by Poe since I was a teen, so I ended up searching a lot about them."

"This poem scares me"

"It scares me too, but I love the story in it." Smiling and trying to forget my desire to kiss him which is stronger than the last time I saw him I open my notes. "So, let's get to work, cause I think today is going to take a while."

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