The break up

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A/N: So sorry for taking so long! But the reason is simply work. These last weeks the school I work in decided to do a big project and I barely had time for myself. It worked out in the end but good God it was tiring! Again: Thank you for reading it!

My anxiety was over the roof when Bernie invited me to have some drinks with Penny and Amy. I met them in the planetarium and texted both a little. However, I wasn't close to them like I was close to Bernie. 

Looking around the restaurant I see my friend and wave.

"Hi, how was the drive?"

"It was okay" I look at the other girls and say hello. Then, while I look at the menu, I feel Penny's eyes on me.

"It's everything okay?"

"Yeah, yeah" She keeps looking at me "You are pretty, so I guess your personality is the problem."

My eyes widen and I look at Bernadette.

"What is this supposed to mean?"

"I told them you are in love with Raj"


"Don't worry, you will keep your secret" Amy says excitedly "I feel like I'm in a secret club."

After some alcohol and trying to convince them I wasn't weird for loving Raj, a waiter came to us.

"I have a bottle of champagne for you."

"We didn't order this," says Bernie.

"It's from the gentleman at the end of the bar."

"Oh, if we drink it does that mean we're making a promise?" Amy looked in the direction that the waiter said and then looked back at us "Cause I'm happily married, but I will watch."

"We're not going to do anything." Says Penny.

"Really? So all that work is for Leonard?" Bernie looks at her friend. "Anyway, one of us is single here isn't it?" Then they look at me.

"I'm not going to talk with a stranger just because he bought me a drink."

"I bet he is better than Raj," Amy says.

"I doubt it." I look angrily "You know what? I'm going to go there and prove to you guys that he isn't better than him."

I ask the waiter and go over to the guy and see he is a very handsome guy, tall and muscular. 

"Hi!" I say and he answers my hi very happily "I was at that table and you sent us some champagne... Me and my friends were wondering why."

"Oh, it's because I know them" He stands up "In fact, I was just finishing this to say hi to them."

I follow him back to the table and then learn his name is Zack. He looks pretty nice, although a little bit slow.

He invited Penny and her husband to have dinner on his boat and then, when he got her yes he looked over at me.

"Hey, are you single?"

I look in surprise. The guy just told us he was married, he surely wasn't going to hit on me, was he?


"Good" He smiles "Why don't you come over to dinner too? My brother is coming for a visit and you look like his type."

Speechless I look over the girls around the table, trying to understand what was happening.

"She will be happy to go," Bernie answers for me and when I try to reject the idea, I feel her angry eyes at me.

If small why so scary?

After hearing that, Zack leaves.

"Why do you say that?"

"I'm going to tell Raj you are going on a date" She drinks her beverage "I want to see his reaction. I bet he is going to be jealous."

"He has a fianceé"

"And his relationship is rock now." 

"Yeah," Amy agrees "She even went home with me after the paintball, she didn't even want to look at Raj in the eye."

I sigh.

Well, I guess having dinner in a fancy boat wasn't so bad.


Bernie was preparing a small snack for her and her husband when Rajesh appeared at the door. He wasn't looking so happy and when he sat on the chair in the kitchen, what he said made Bernie very happy inside.

"Me and Anu broke up."

Hearing those words, Bernie's heart raced in excitement and she had to control her body not to grab the cell phone and call Felicity.

"Well, I think you dodged a bullet." It was Howard's answer to his friend's statement.

"I agree with my husband" Bernie smiled "You two didn't match each other."

Raj sighs.

"What she said about me was true. I want to get married, I don't want to feel I have been left behind." He drinks his tea.

"But you don't love Anu, do you?"

He thinks a little about it and then sighs again.

"No, I don't. I don't think I could ever love someone that doesn't appreciate good Pop music."

"So we all agree that you did the right thing." Bernie smiles "You should date and marry someone you love, not someone who doesn't understand what is important to you."

Raj drinks his tea again and keeps thinking about what Bernie said. She drinks some tea before leading the conversation where she wants.

"You know, this is what I have been telling Felicity lately."

"What do you mean?" He looks at her with eyes full of apprehension.

"You know, we went to drink a few days ago." She says calmly, enjoying the show she is doing "And she ended up accepting to go on a blind date with Zack's brother." Bernie sighs a little bit dramatically "Penny told her that Zack's brother was slow for a girl like her, but she is feeling so lonely later that she accepted without even thinking properly."

Raj grabbed his mug with a little bit more strength, which didn't go unnoticed by his friends.

"You are going to break the mug" Howard complains "If you break this mug you are going to have to buy another."

"I'm sorry. Is just...infuriating I guess."

"Why it's infuriating?" 

"Well, she is a pretty girl and she is nice, sensible, and a lot of other things. She could get any guy she wanted, so why she is going to someone dumb, especially if she doesn't even like the guy?"

"For the same reason you were going to Anu, she doesn't want to feel like the only one who isn't dating." 

"I..." Rajesh stands up "I will have to go." And then he leaves without saying any other word. 

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