Chapter 16

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Dev sat across from Doctor , the therapist Angad had recommended. The room was peaceful, with large windows letting in the morning light and a gentle breeze rustling the curtains.

Dr. Began the session with a calm, welcoming tone, “So, Dev, tell me what brings you here today.”

Dev hesitated, the weight of his emotions palpable in the silence. He finally began to speak, his voice strained with regret and pain.

“I’ve made a mess of my life, Doctor. I lost my wife, Navya, and my son, Ayaan. I treated them horribly, and now they’re gone. I turned to alcohol to escape the guilt, but it’s only made things worse.”

Dr nodded, encouraging Dev to continue. “What happened with Navya and Ayaan? Why do you think you treated them that way?”

Dev’s eyes filled with tears as he recounted his actions.

“I was blinded by my obsession with another woman, Heena. I thought I loved her, but it was all a lie. She used me, and I ended up hurting the people who truly cared about me. Navya...she endured so much. I pushed her away, insulted her, and neglected our son. I regret everything.”

Dev’s voice cracked, and he buried his face in his hands. Dr. allowed him a moment to collect himself before gently prodding further. “It’s good that you’re acknowledging your mistakes, Dev. It’s the first step towards healing. What do you hope to achieve through these sessions?”

Dev looked up, his eyes filled with a desperate hope.

“I want to find Navya and Ayaan. I want to apologize, make amends, and somehow, if it’s even possible, bring them back into my life. I know it won’t be easy, but I have to try.”

Dr.  smiled gently. “We’ll work on that together. For now, focus on your recovery and rebuilding yourself. Everything else will follow.”

After the session, Dev decided to take a walk around the resort to clear his mind. The resort was serene, with lush gardens and scenic views of the surrounding mountains. As he strolled through the pathways, he felt a strange sense of calm, a small glimmer of hope amid his turmoil.

Meanwhile, in a different part of Nainital , Navya was busy with her job. She worked at a nearby café and had been asked to deliver an order to a customer at the resort. As she made her way to the destination,

As she approached the building where her delivery was destined, she noticed a figure slumped near the entrance. Quickening her pace, she realized it was a woman, clearly injured, with a gash on her forehead and a look of disorientation. Navya’s compassionate instincts kicked in immediately.

"Ma'am, are you okay?" Navya asked, kneeling beside the woman.

The woman groaned softly, clutching her side. "I... I think I fell. I don't remember how I got here."

Navya's concern deepened. She needed to get the woman inside, where she could find help. Gently helping her to her feet, Navya glanced around for assistance but saw no one nearby. Supporting the woman, she guided her through the doors of the building.

Inside the resort, the atmosphere was serene, a stark contrast to the turmoil outside. Navya led the injured woman through the lobby, heading towards the lounge where she hoped to find someone who could offer medical assistance. As they rounded a corner, Navya's eyes caught sight of a man standing by a large window, gazing out at the manicured gardens.

It was Dev.

Unaware of Navya's approach, Dev turned slightly, lost in thought. At that exact moment, Navya stumbled slightly under the woman's weight, and her hand brushed against Dev's as she steadied herself. The touch was electric, sending a jolt through both of them. Dev turned sharply, feeling the unmistakable presence of someone significant, his heart pounding with an inexplicable urgency.

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