1:38 pm
chandeliers bbg and 3 others is online
chandeliers bbg: yo wassup
geek: sheesh
Wylie Endal: What happened to your names?
jensi babblos: wait who r u
chandeliers bbg: fitz
geek: dex
Wylie Endal: Who changed your names
jensi babblos: is that even a question
obv keefe
geek: dayum worked it out
Wylie Endal: wow
chandeliers bbg: did wylie js use no caps
geek: no fancy grammar
jensi babblos: did he js say something sarcastic
Wylie Endal: What?
geek: don't worry bro
superiortotam is online
superiortotam: I've been waiting for this day.
superiortotam changed Wylie Endal to lightstick 1.0
superiortotam changed jensi babblos to sugar
sugar: why am I sugar
lightstick 1.0: No idea.
superiortotam: I have fuflied my purpose
unicorn 💩 is online
unicorn 💩: fulfilled*
unicorn 💩 is offline
superiortotam: I hate her
sugar: shes not that bad now
geek: yh but that bc shes a regent rahrah
chandeliers bbg: whats rahrah for
geek: idk
lightstick 1.0: Why am I lightstick?
superiortotam: bc u have flash-y light abilitys
sugar: even I knew that
geek: yh
chandeliers bbg: I didn't know don't worry wylie
lightstick 1.0: that makes me feel worse
geek: roasted
sugar: burnt
superiortotam: lmao
lightstick 2.0 is online
lightstick 2.0: see what he did to us wylie
lightstick 1.0: maruca?
lightstick 2.0: yes
sugar: wow
geek: I can't tell whos who
lightstick 2.0: do I look like I care
geek: thats maruca yeppers
lightstick 2.0: can you change my name keefe
I don't like it
superiortotam: nah
lightstick 2.0: why not
superiortotam: don't feel iike it
unicorn 💩 is online
unicorn 💩: like*
unicorn 💩 is offline
lightstick 2.0: she do that everytime
geek: yeah
sugar: dang
thats annoying
lightstick 2.0: right you are
sugar: I gtg my brother is calling me for dinner
geek: dinner.
at this time?
sugar: yes when do you eat dinner
geek: .
superiortotam: .
chandeliers bbg: .
lightstick 2.0: .
lightstick 1.0: Usually dinner is eaten from 6:30-8:00pm
sugar: oh.
sugar is offline
geek: ok I've got your extra prank supplies keefe
superiortotam: oh. meet me at the waves of wimpiness
geek: poggers
geek and 1 other is offline
lightstick 2.0: wylie
my mother wanted to tell you that we are having lunch at our place
lightstick 1.0: very well.
lightstick 1.0 is offline
lightstick 2.0: yeah I gotta leave too
lightstick 2.0 is offline
chandeliers bbg: lmao
its just me here
by the way
I know you are reading this
and I have to tell u
keefe is deffo gay
I mean I'm his best friend.
so like I would know
chandeliers bbg is offline
-Its Untitled- || Koltc Textfic
FanfictionTEXTFIC sophie foster and her friends now can message each other thanks to dex. what chaos will ensue? (lowercase intended) (probably cringe lmao) gay ships included. Filler while I write my actual ffs