1.) When he puts a record on the first night you stay over....

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1.) When he puts a record on the first night you stay over, try not to fall asleep wondering who else he's played it for. (Footnote: also try not to cry when you hear those songs on the car radio later)

December 2015 - Christmas Eve

"C'mon, Leih! We're gonna be late!" I hear my brother call out to me from the bottom of the stairs.

"Coming!" I shouted back as I finished curling the ends of my long, mermaid hair.

"You said that 20 minutes ago!" he complained, and I heard a hint of annoyance in his voice.

I ignored him and quickly put on my black heels. I faced the mirror, my reflection staring back at me. My brown hair was curled into loose, luscious locks, my eyes piercing behind a brush of eyeliner and mascara and my lips as red as the red dress that was clung to my body, hugging my curves sexily. I gave my hair one last pat and smacked my lips together.

I'm ready.

"Finally." Louis, my brother sighed as soon as I finished descending the steps. He looked really snazzy in his dress pants and a nice button up shirt.

"Lookin good, bro." I complimented him, trying to get back on his good side after making him wait for half an hour.

He snorted and ushered me out ofnthe house and into his car. "Don't I always?" he said cockily with an eye roll.

I made a face but decided not to retort back at his comment. Instead, I just buckled my seatbelt and turned on the radio, an old, familiar song immediately began wafting in the car.

I recognized the song and started singing along to it.

Louis' eyebrows shot up in surprise. "You know this song?" he asked as he backed the car from our driveway.

"Yep. Why?"

"Didn't know you were an oldies junkie." he commented. "Thought you were more of a Taylor Swift kinda girl." he said teasingly.

"Hush." I shushed him and continued my mini concert, smiling a little as I reminisce the day I first heard this song..


October, 2013

"That is absolutely the best date I've ever had!" I gush once we got settled inside his car.

He let out a low chuckle. "You said that last time I took you out." he reminded me, intertwining my hand with his and resting our intertwined hands on the center console.

I frowned. He was right. I did say that. Last week, we went go-kart racing and we had an absolute blast. Today, he took me to a Bookmobile Park where a bunch of trailers eere lined up and each one advertised a specific genre of books. Cool, right? I didn't even know that kind of place existed until he took me there earlier.

"I can't decide." I whined, pouting at him.

He laughed softly. "Take your time, babe." he said, squeezing my hand lightly. "You hungry?" he asked randomly.

And as if on cue, my stomach rumbled loudly. I grinned sheepishly at him. "I think that answers your question." I said, slightly embarrassed.

He laughed again. "Okay then."

We fell into a comfortable silence for awhile. Just holding each other's hand tight and driving past under the city lights.

"We're here." he announced 10 minutes later as he pulled into a parking lot and I looked up to see where we were.



"Wow. I've never been here before." I said jokingly as we entered the fast food place.

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