7.) When he texts you...

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7.) When he texts you months after you walked away, expecting to never hear from him again, it's okay if your heart pounds a little but don't tell him you miss him.

May, 2015

"Wake up, Leih!" a voice said, interrupting my peaceful slumber.

I groaned and forced my eyes open. Three blurred figures stood around my bed. I rubbed my eyes to see more clearly. Nique, my mom and my dad were the three figures. Dad and Mom were holding a blue balloon while Nique was trying to balance a huge cake on her right hand while her other hand carried a box.

"Happy birthday!" Nique squealed as she stepped forward. "Make a wish!" she sair, urging me to blow out the candles dancing around the cake.

I grinned broadly as I sat down and inched forward towards the cake closing my eyes and making a quick wish. After I was done chanting the wish inside my head, I blew out the candles and then opened my eyes again.

"Thank you for this guys!" I gushed.

Mom and Dad handed me the balloons and squished me into a hug. "It was Nique's idea. We were planning to greet you in the morning but she barged into our house before midnight while we were all sleeping peacefully." Mom said, shooting Nique an accusing look.

I glanced at my watch and sure enough, it was 12:05 am. I laughed softly. "Oh. I thought it was morning or something. But thank you though, I really appreciated it."

My parents beamed at me and attacked me into another hug. "We'll give you your present later okay?" Dad said, ruffling my hair.


They both pulled away and exited my bedroom, retreating back to their own room

"Open this!" Nique said giddily as she threw the box she was holding earlier on my bed.

"Maybe later." I said whilst yawning.

She frowned. "Boohooo. You're such a buzzkill."

I laughed. "Well this buzzkill wants more sleep."

She pouted. "Fine. Only because it's your birthday." she huffed. "But we'll have fun later okay?"

"Yea. Ofcourse."

"Yay. Now can i sleep here?" she said, pointing at my bed.

"Sure. But you better not hog my blankieees!"

She smiled wickedly. "No promises."


Same day

"Can I go home now?" I whined through my phone, pushing the door to the cafe. Nique locked me out of my own home and ordered me to go pamper myself because it was my birthday.

"No!" Nique said abruptly.

"And why not?" I shot back.

"Because... because the exterminators are here!"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why are they there?"

"Uhm... Because... yea."

I smirked at her lame explanation. "Are you organizing a surprise birthday party for me?"

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