4.) When he takes you out and holds your hand...

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4.) When he takes you out and holds your hand as you walk, the world will be a little less heavy on your chest in that moment. There's nothing wrong with feeling sort of floaty as long as you know how to get back down.

November, 2014

"Where are you?" I asked suspiciously as I watch the students exit their classrooms and fill the hallway.

"Me and my friends are about to eat out." he informed me and then paused as if he's deciding on something. "Wanna come?" he finally asked after a few seconds.

"Uhm. No. Is Em with you?" I asked curiously.

He sighed, knowing where this conversation is going. "Yes babe." he replied coolly. "She's my bestfriend."

A pang of hurt stabbed my chest. "I thought I was your bestfriend." I said meekly, half joking, half serious.

"You are. You both are."

"So are we both your girlfriends too?" I snapped irritably.

"No." he replied quickly. "Don't be like this please." he said in a pleading voice. "Now, turn around and wipe that scowl from your beautiful face."

I turned around, confused and saw him standing in front of me, his phone pressed on his right ear, smiling at me softly.

"Hey." I greeted, ending my call with him.

"Hey." he responded warily, not making a move towards me.

I  crossed my arms and just stared at him, waiting for him to make a move or say something.

"We good?" he asked.

Are we? I wanted to return his question to him but decided to shut my mouth and just nodded slightly.

"Good." he sighed a breath of relied. He moved towards me and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back and I felt something from his hand so I pulled away to inspect it and saw a piece of paper tucked in his hand.

"What's that?" I pointed to the paper.

He hesitated before showing it to me. It wasn't a paper, it was a photograph
A photograph of Em.

"Why do you have that?" I asked, giving him a dry look. I know I was probably being annoying to him right now by asking him all these questions but I have the right, right?

"She gave it to me." he said, looking away from me. "You know because we're seniors and we're about to graduate and go off in our seperate ways so I requested a picture of her so I can remember her." he explained, shrugging like it made sense when it made zero sense at all. Well, atleast for me.

"You never ask me for a picture." " I said quietly, trying to mask my jealousy. I hate this feeling. Ugh.

"I don't have a reason to. I have ykur beautiful face forever etched in my head." he said, goofily pointing at hus head. "I will remember you even after 10 years."

I smiled a little at what he said. "Really? So you think we'll be together for the next 10 years?"

He frowned softly. "When I thibk about the future, I don't see anykne with me but well, me."

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