The Dark Times

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With Theodore forgiven, times were looking up for the Black family. Sirius had graduated with his friends and supposedly Lily Evans and James Potter had gotten married, and Lily recently had a son this July. Gz

Narcissa had Married Lucius and they had a son they named Draco.

The twins turned one that year and Lyra was pregnant again, with a girl. However, the war was still blazing and as hard as it was the family was divided between the good and the dark.

It seemed so confusing. She was close to giving birth only 3 months away. Her baby would be born in October.

They had decided on the name Carina Aquilla Black- Nott.

Before long the baby was born with beautiful blond hair and grey-blue eyes. Her little eagle.

A year passed by without anything drastic happening. Her baby girl turned a year old on the 15th of October. And still nothing then on Halloween terror struck. Lily and James Potter had been murdered, Voldemort depheated, and her brother Sirius was blamed.

She rushed to the ministry and soon the truth had come out with the help of a little vitsurum, Peter Pettigtew was the secret keeper not her brother.

Lyra never yelled so hard in her life, she cursed them and threw hexes everywhere.


The minister cowerd in fear of her wrath. The good part is, Sirius never made it to Askaban.

And that brings us to present day.

Lyra: As wonderful as you are Sirius, I don't think you are mature enough to raise a child by yourself! And especially as the child deserves to be raised away from the public eye!

Sirius: Remus could help me! We are practically married already so.... And we could use Grimald Place to raise him!

Lyra: you and .... Remus?

Sirius: We have been dating since 5th year. Look I am sorry I didn't tell you, Do I have your permission as the Lady of the house to Raise this child, my Godson.

Lyra: If Remus says yes then I suppose.

Sirius: Thank you Lyra you won't regret it!

As many ups as there were with Hary never going to Petunia's with the death eater trials. A lot of her family was thrown to Askaban.

Bellatrix, Rabaston, Rodolpus, Barty Crouch, Regulus, and Theodore.

As much as he tried to deny it, no matter if his reasons are just he still did it. And he was thrown to Askaban for it. She was left, a single mother with three kids and without Theodore she tried her best. She wished that her family was there to support her, but they were either unable or she didn't want them around her. The Black Insanity was too thick.

But as it was, she was still just that. A Black .

Regulus was pressured into joining by mother and father and was thrown into Askaban even if he did turn good. He was unable to ever act on the horcruxes

Luckily, she still had her sanity and the family name carried on through her children.

For now she would watch them grow and hope for the best.

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