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Frank was bored of sitting around, even if he was on the porch of his cabin watching the ranch working. Still, it could've been worse. Keaton's dark cloud had been lifted from him, with Etta telling him soon after his departure that Hassie had finally kicked him to the curb and for good. Hence why he'd not seen her since the night they'd got back from the hospital.

It had already been a week...

Mary had barely seen her either, and had been upset - but the superstar had shut herself away from the world, not seeing anyone unless it was her mother. She'd cancelled her appearance in the bar on the weekends, hadn't showed up to that weekend's rodeo and other activities that she was usually at around the ranch.

And to top it all off, Frank hadn't had the balls to go and see her.

Etta was now heading up the path with some lunch she'd made for him, taking it upon herself to mother him in the way that Evelyn never had. He was grateful, even if she did fuss a little too much, but it was still nice. "How is she?" Were the first words that escaped from his mouth before he could even stop them.

She shrugged and put the food onto the table next to him. "Ain't seen her this morning. I'll go up later".

"No, I'll go - I think I should considering I haven't exactly thanked her for breaking the speed limit to get me to the ER".

"You need your rest".

"I can still walk Etta". He replied smoothly. "Thankfully the horse didn't manage to break my legs".

She chuckled. "I can tell you got cabin fever".

"Yep. I won't lie I'm bored to tears".

"Well, I'm sure Hassie will appreciate the visit".

"If I come back with more broken bones then you'll know that she wasn't".

Etta chuckled. "Somehow I think she'll go easy on you - anyway your food is there, I'll be back with some supper later. Earl's gonna get Mary from school today".

"Thanks Ett".

Once she was gone, he ate, and then decided to venture into the unknown to see Hassie. A few guests stopped and asked how he was as he walked along. Wishing him a speedy recovery. He wished it too, because there was nothing else to really do apart from sit and watch the world go by. His rib would apparently take at least a month to heal, and his arm maybe a little longer. It pissed him off.

On approaching Hassie's cabin, he stopped, hearing her as she was singing along softly to some chords she was playing, stopping every so often to write them. She looked up as he approached and he saw just how tired she was on her features. It was like Keaton had drained any kind of life she had left from her. "Hey Frank". She now greeted him softly.

"How you doing, Hass?"

She shook her head. "Guess I should be asking you that".

"You first".

She gestured to the chair opposite, and he settled himself down - seeing the notebook open on the table that was between them. "Got anything good?"

"Couple of 'fuck you Keaton' songs, which you'd like. But I guess I've just been getting myself into a better head state. It's done me good".

"Well if it's any consolation, I'm bored".

She smiled lightly. "How's that arm and rib holding up?"

Willow Valley (Frank Adler AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now