you're pregnant♡ part 1♡

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You just kept looking at the 4 tests that were laying in front of you. You didn't knew how Steve would react and you were trying to think of a good way to tell him, so you quickly hid the 4 tests in you're bag and drove to a babystore and picked out a white baby t-shirt with the lines. Hi dad and you drove back home. Where Steve was watching tv on the couch. "Hey honey where were you?"he asked and gave you a kiss. "Just shopping a present for you"you said casually but inside you scared "what is it?"steve said like a kid on christmas eve. And you gave him the shirt. "This is a litlle small honey"steve said and you rolled your eyes and motioned that he needed to read the lines. His eyebrows raised and you almolt saw his brains working this out and then his eyes widened. "You're pregnant!"he yelled and you nodded and he hugged you "we're gonna be parents"he kept repeating and you just hugged and kissed him.

You felt sick, fat and hungry. And Tony was on a bussines trip and would come home that night. So you called you're best friend. You told her your symptones and she laughed and said she would be there in 30. So here you were waiting on the couch for y/f/n when she finnaly arrived she gave you a bag and you opened it and saw 2 pregnancy tests laying there and you dropped it. "Are u kidding me ?" You asked her and she just shook her head. "Nope your symptons are famous pregnant women symptons so women up before Tony gets here i'm leaving now. And take the tests because Tony will notice your belly bumb"she said and hugged you and ran out of the house. "Jarvis how long before tony gets here?"you asked "30minutes miss" he responded and you run into the bathroom with the tests.
25 minutes later
Your best friends was right like always. You were pregnant and probably a couple of weeks too. You were thinking of not telling Tony for a while but Tony always looks at your body so he will notice it right away if you had a baby bump. "Baby i am homeee"you heard Tony yell in the living room. "BATHROOM"you yelled back your voice obviusly shaking. And sighed. You needed to tell him. "Baby is everything alright?" Tony asked outside the door and you unlocked it and let him in. "Baby whats-ow "he said and noticed the tests in your hands and your red puff eyes. "You-you're pregnant?"he slowly asked and you nodded. He let himself fall on the floor and you did the same. "What if i'm not a good father and be like mine?"he suddenly asked and you smiled. Now you knew that he wanted a baby but was just scared like you, it was fine. You threw the tests away and walked over to him and took a seat next to him. "Tony baby you had a crappy father and i had a crappy mother don't you think i have the same problem and still i know that i will be a good mother and you will be a good father"you said and kissed him "he moaned "that you're pregnant isn't gonna let the plans change tonight "he mumbled "good thing i don't mind"you mubmled back and he lifted you up to the bedroom...

You and Bruce talked about having kids en wanted to adopt because both you and Bruce can't have children. One day he came home from work and you tols him you were approved to adopt a baby. Bruce was so happy and kissed you for hours.

24-3-2017: Edited.

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