Chapter 28

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I COWERED under his scrutiny

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I COWERED under his scrutiny. He is observing my swelling broken toe and the worst abrasion on my right knee that is becoming red.

My heart was overflowing with hatred after I observed the bandages on the man's injuries.

This is Tav.

The monster who brought me back to this hell.

I was so close, so fucking close to escaping but he still followed me, making me suffer worse than ever before.

Forgetting the horrible injuries in my body, I scrambled nearer to him, even with my weak body, and punched his face as hard as I could which made me wince in pain when I felt my knuckles produce a cracking sound.

Still, it was nothing from all the agony I am experiencing right now.

His face turned a little and I trembled when he looked at me in a nonchalant manner instead of getting mad at my actions. I hurt him, I know it was foolish but I just needed the smallest revenge that I could to keep me sane.

This kind of look is the calm before the storm.

I braced myself for another beating.

"I'm in a good mood so I'll let that slide." Huh? Just like that? My jaw ticked in confusion as I attempted to read his next move.

However, nothing.

No harsh words or physical pain after a few moments.

It was weird, to say, how I was so used to physical violence in this place that its absence confuses me.

A new idea came into mind.

I hope I'll at least ruin his mood mentally.

"If you have a mother, a sister, a wife, or a daughter, I hope they will experience what I had or even worse." I knew deep inside I wouldn't want anyone to experience what I had except these men. Not equal to what I suffered, but even worse that they would rather be dead.

After I stated it with conviction, he frowned and his fingers slightly hovered over my broken toe, making me inhale a harsh breath.

"Your mind games will never work on me, Cerise. Too bad my comrades and Lorik did not totally snuff your fire out." When he stood and walked away, I teared up and clenched my fists. I sniffled when I saw my knuckles turning red from where I punched him.

It's so unfair. It is really so unfair how men are usually stronger than women, and we are so helpless when we try to fight against them.

Tav came back with a first aid kit and sat again in front of me. He stared at my broken toe that swells really bad.

When he quietly started taking care of it. I blurted out a question that had been running inside my head.

"You haven't told anyone that I can understand a few languages. Why is that?" I frowned and observed his reaction.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25 ⏰

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