Fights and letters

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I woke up at 8:00 and went to the kitchen. Aaron joined me ten minutes later, while I was making coffee for the both of us. Stell wasn't obviously waking up before twelve, so we decided to clean the mess. We started from the kitchen, I was cleaning the counter and Aaron was picking up the trash.

"Who do you think Stell was talking to!?" He asked, a question to which I had no answer.

"I have no idea, she was acting all weird yesterday." That's all I could make out, is she going out with somebody and not telling us!? I don't think she would do that. We have been friends for years.

"Hey what was that noise coming from your room earlier!?" He asked, I completely forgot that he had heard my voice.

"There was nothing I fell, I told you, I fell off the bed." I never fall off the bed in my sleep, but it was better than telling him the truth. Otherwise, he would start worrying like crazy and he'll probably tell Shawn and Stell too. And then they'll start worrying about it. So, it's better not to tell him.

"Oh, I thought you were talking to somebody and I figured it would be that fancy guy, what was his name again......Zayn. How does he know James!? I have never seen him with James before." Actually, even I have never seen him with James.

"Neither have I, whatever it is they are discussing, it's obviously business." Zayn seems the business type of guy, I don't think he does anything for fun.

"Hey, I heard there will be a fight at old street today, you wanna come!?" Aaron asked, by now we had cleaned the kitchen and now we went to main hall.

"Hell yeah, yesterday was one hell of a day, I need something to get my mind off things."

"Get your mind off what!?" Shit!! I hadn't told him.

"Just generally. Where is it!?" I asked, mainly to change the topic

"This is not professional boxing Stace, this is a bit different. You'll see!!" I had never been to these things, I get a feeling today will be fun.

"Cool!! I'll go clean up Stell's room and then I'll clean mine, put all the sheets in laundry." I said hurriedly before disappearing into Stell's room.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After three hours~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Are you both ready!?" Aaron asked for the fifth time.

"Yes Aaron, we are ready!!" Stell and I, both shouted at the same time.

"Good, can we leave now!? If you both are ready!!" He wants to die today.

"Say it one more time and I'll kill you with my bare hands." Stell threatened, both Aaron and I laughed, Stell couldn't kill a mosquito for crying out loud, and she plans on killing him. Dream on Stell!!

We reached the place in an hour, stupid London traffic. 

"What is this place!?" I asked Aaron, surprised to see more than a hundred people gathered just to watch a stupid fight. 

"It's James street." Aaron stated the obvious, I knew this street like the back of my hand, this place was somewhere near college. I had no idea about it till now!!

"What is going on there!?" Stell pointed to a makeshift counter where people had gathered and were shouting names and prices.

"That's the betting counter, you wanna make a bet!? He asked, if only I had any money Aaron. Some bastard threatened to kill me and took my savings. Not all of it though, I was saving for over two years now, I wanted to buy a new place and I had just about enough money to buy one when that idiot came and took a thousand bucks. Not that a thousand bucks matter, but still!! Whatever, I am here to enjoy.

"I only have five hundred bucks on me right now" I said, that's the least I carried in my purse at all times. Stell had a three hundred pounds and Aaron had three as well.  We went to the counter

"Who do you wanna bet on!?" The man on the counter asked in a robotic voice. Looks like he is bored of his job.

I looked at Aaron, since I didn't know anybody's name. 

"Mark and Kyle" He whispered in my ear. Umm......Kyle is a hot name but Mark sounds like a Strong person's name. This is my first bet and I don't loose it.

"I..." A hand came out of no where and kept a thousand pound bill on the counter.

"She'll bet on me." The murderer guy, he followed me here. Wait....What!? Is he Mark!? Or Kyle!?

"I am sorry, who are you!?" Judging by the looks Aaron was giving him, it wont' be Mark's and Kyle's fight that everybody would be watching tonight, it would be Aaron's and his.

"You really want me to believe you forgot your almost murderer so easily. I took your thousand bucks, I am giving it back."He said not looking at anyone but me.

"What's he saying Stace!?" Shit, Aaron's gonna flip out if says one more word. Do something Jan.

"I'll bet on Mark, not him." I said, only to have his eyebrow raised at me.

"What it's my money, I'll use it the way I want to." I don't know where there sudden confidence is coming from, but I like it. 

"Cool!!" He said and went away.

"Who are you betting on miss!?" The guy said in the same robotic voice as before.

"Mark."I said, not looking at anyone but the counter guy.

"Murderer? What the hell is going on Stace!?" My life has become happening all of a sudden, that is what's going on.

"Nothing, I'll tell you later. Now let's watch the fight." I said, trying to avoid any questions from the both of them.

The fight had started and I was loosing my money. Mark was losing the fight, to my complete shock. After that I didn't pay any more attention to the fight, I was thinking of ways in which I would tell them

Kyle won the fight, and I lost my thousand bucks which I just got back. We reached home at 12:00. Both Stell and Aaron have asked me about Kyle thousands of time, but I only told them that I will tell them everything once we reach home. I didn't want to talk to anybody, I was still thinking about him. If he did not need the money , why did he take it from me!? More importantly why did he threaten me!?

I did not even realise that I was already home, there were so many questions in mind about the happenings of the day. Somehow, he took my mind off Zayn. It was refreshing.

"What's this!? Jan this is for you!!" What's she talking about, a mail this late in the night.

"Who is it from!?" I took it from her and read it out loud--

From: Cisca Airlines

To: Jannet Victoria Stacey

I opened the envelope, there was another paper inside,  it said--

Cisca airlines

Appointment Letter

To whomsoever it may concern

This is to confirm that Miss Jannet Victoria Stacey has been confirmed as the company lawyer. We would be pleased to have you with us from January,8,2015(Monday).

Zayn Malik.

CEO Cisca Airlines.

"Bloody Hell" Never in a million years would I have imagined this to happen.

A/N Hey guys!! Sorry, I didn't get time to proof read this chapter. I don't have much to say right now cause I am very sleepy, but I had half of the chapter written so I thoughht why not update today!! 

Comment and vote guys!! 

Love ya!! XD :)

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