Unexpected guests

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I am changing her best friends name to Stella(Stell). Just telling you so that you don't get confused while reading. And I  am doing that in the previous chapters too.


Aaron was right, the party was almost over, there were only a few people left. I went to check up on Stella. Her room is adjacent to mine, while Aaron's room is at the other end of the hall.

She was sleeping like a small baby, I pulled the covers over her, switched off the light and left the room. By the time I came out only James and Aaron were there. I went up to them.

"Me and Stell won't be coming to work tomorrow, is that okay!?"  James rarely allowed us to take a day off work, but I guess seeing Stella's condition he wouldn't say no. I still have to ask Aaron about where he found her.

"Umm......alright but just this one time, and this is the first and the last time Stace" He said examining the mess that one would call an apartment. Even the thought of waking up to this gives me goosebumps, I was never a big fan of house party's. And then it'll be me and Aaron cleaning it since Stella isn't obviously waking up before 12 in the morning.

"Thanks, can I talk to you for a minute Aaron!?" Stella's topic fresh in my mind. 

"You guys should get some sleep, I am gonna head home. The party was amazing!! See you later and you both better be on time on Wednesday." James said before Aaron could reply. I gave him a small smile and closed the door after him.

"I found her in the parking lot" Aaron answered my unspoken question.

"Don't worry she was in her car, she was talking to someone, she hung up once she saw me." He added sensing my worry. But, that's weird, why did she have to go to there to talk.

"Did she tell you anything!?" I asked curiously, if she had a problem, she would have told us.

"No, she just said there was a lot of noise up here.It's alright she is here now, we'll talk to her tomorrow." He said, signalling me to go to sleep, obviously he was tired too and I was keeping him awake.

"Good night Aaron. Get up early, we need to clean this mess." I reminded him. I knew he hated getting up early, so did I. But we had no option, so he had to agree.

"And Aaron, don't forget to remove the bedsheets before sleeping, they might have umm......ya whatever, you get it, just remove the sheets. I'll give them for laundry tomorrow." Just seeing him smile, told me he knew what I wanted to say. 

"Good night pumpkin" Ya, that is what he calls sometimes, he knows I get annoyed, and when I say annoyed I mean like throwing-things-away-cause-I-hate-the-world sort of annoyed.

"Don't call me that!!" I shouted from my room. The first thing I did as I entered my room was to remove the bed sheets. I don't care if anybody was in my room or not,  I just had to remove them, these are college kids you can never trust them. I switched off my alarm for the morning and dozed off to sleep by 1:00. 


 A huge thud was what woke me up, I turned around to see the time, it was 4:00, what the hell is going on.

The moment I stood up from my bed, a hand clasped around my neck and my head hit the wall. I couldn't see his face, he had a hoodie on. My vision started to get blurry, I couldn't breathe as his grip on my neck tightened. Who is he!? How did he enter my room!? The window!! Shit!!

"Who are you!?" He asked, I had never heard that voice before.

"Answer me!!" If only you let me go, I tired to get away from his grip, but that only seemed to encourage him. Is he planning on killing me!? What have I done to him!? I coughed from the lack of oxygen.

"Stace!? What's wrong babe!? Should I come in!?" Thank god, Aaron is the only person who can help me right now, since I am obviously not strong enough to hit this mysterious guy.

"Tell him to leave or else I will kill you" He loosened his grip around my neck only to take out a gun and point it straight at me. I tired to speak but couldn't, I couldn't see anything either.

"I am fine, I fell. It's alright, I am fine." The words somehow managed to escape my lips, fearing death.

"Good girl, now tell me who are you!? And what is this place!?" He removed his hoodie allowing me to see his face. I know this was no time to think about such stuff, but he was a piece of art,  a perfect human, both his arms were completely inked, from top to bottom, he had a slight subtle, brown eyes, ruby lips, he was amazing. 

"Lamington aprtments, twentieth floor." I answered, still in shock. His gun was no more pointed at me. 

"Ya I know the floor, I climbed up. You still didn't answer my first question though, your name!?" He sensed my lack of words and pointed the gun at me again.

"Jannet, my name is Jannet Stacey." I finally answered and he lowered his gun again. A small smile made its way to his lips. 

"Good, now listen Jannet, there are people to whom I owe money, and they are somewhere here trying to find me and kill me. So I want you to do something for me...." He waited for my reply. What am I stuck in!! Why me!?

"What!?" I said bitterly, maybe this was all a dream and I would wake up to a peaceful morning. 

"Don't talk to me in that tone" This knocked the air right outta me.

"How much money do you have!?" I thought hard, I had been saving a lot lately.

"How much do you need!?" I asked as nicely as I could, but it still looked like my words were daggers being thrown at him. 

"I'll ignore that attitude for now, do as I say if you want to be alive. Give me 1000 bucks." What!? A thousand pounds!! What does he need that for!? I decided not to question him, and went to bring the money, still facing him though. I DO NOT trust this guy, heck, I don't even know him. He could kill me any moment for all I know.

"Here, check if you want to." I said while handing him the money.

"No, I trust you enough by now. Goodnight Miss Stacey." Go to hell, I wanted to say,but kept this remark to myself as he climbed down the window. I took a sigh of relief, I could have died today. I should lock my window from now on, I went to lock it....

"Thanks!!" There he was still hanging there like a monkey, I wonder how would he go down twenty floors, it must've been one hell of a task to climb up. As if I care, I don't give two fucks about him. He could die for all I care.

I locked the window as he disappeared from my sight, and went back to bed. I couldn't fall asleep immediately, but I did, since I was too tired to think about all the happenings of the day. The last thought that came to my mind before I fell asleep was the comparison between the two men I met today. I had a hard time deciding who was better, but I kinda expected him to be my answer.

A/N Hey people!! Guess who!? It's your crazy, stupid writer - ME. Hahahaha, no, I am not telling  my name. Not yet.

How do you guys like the new character!? He doesn't want to tell his name either.

Don't worry you'll know his name soon. 

This chapter was comparatively short I know, but I just couldn't wait to update today.

P.S Comment and vote. Who do you think is him!? Zayn or the other guy!?

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