Going or Not!?

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"Bloody hell" I cursed, I never would've imagined this to happen.

"What is it Stace?" Oh nothing. Just an appointment letter from a stalker. How about that!? Is this even real!? Doesn't look like. Heck, I didn't even apply for this.

Seeing my lack of response, Aaron took the paper from me and read it out to Stell, who seemed to be more shocked than I was.

"Holy fucking shit!! Stace do you have any idea about this company!? You'll be bloody minting money like anything." Okay.....I honestly did not have any idea about it. But I was busy looking at Stell, she seemed to be in deep thought.

"What's wrong Stell!? What are you thinking!?" Something's bugging her, I know!! She just doesn't seem herself today. Can't blame her, the events of yesterday might be still in her head.

"Jan you should stay away from this guy, I don't get a good feeling about him." She said, worry written all over her face. Actually, she is right, he does seem kinda dangerous. I don't know but I do agree with Stell.

"Cmon, let's see who this guy is." Aaron said, disappearing for a moment only to come back with his laptop in his hands.

"What are you doing!?" I asked him, while he was busy doing whatever he wanted on his laptop.

"Well, do you want to know about the guy you'll be working for or not!?" That's sick, I am never gonna work for him. Never!!

"It's all shit. I am not working for HIM. It's all a mistake. I'll call them tomorrow." I wanted to call them and tell them right now, but I figured it would be too late.

"Fuck!! Net income 800 billion pounds!! This guy must be incredibly rich!!" Aaron informed us  nd my eyes turned to the laptop screen. That is a lot of money.

"You should consider giving this a thought before calling them Stace. What do you think Stell!?" He turned to Stell, who was, unlike me staring at thin air.

"Huh!? I think you should search about him, maybe you'll find something important which is reason enough for her to join the company. Did you even apply for this on!? Anyways, I think it is a good opportunity, you shouldn't miss it." She answered, finally looking at me. Actually I had not applied for any company of firm yet, I was still thinking. Aaron did as he was told and started searching about him. I think in all this mess they forgot about Kyle, good for me.

"Hey wait, before all this tell me something, how the fuck do you know Kyle!?" Aaron questioned, grabbing Stell's attention. Spoke too early!!

"Ya Jan, that guy was dangerous." He was-I wouldn't deny this. Every word he spoke, every smile, every action shouted danger. Something told me to stay away from him, but the same something told me to not to. I have always had this thing for bad boys, they just seem to intrigue my curiosity.

Telling them that I didn't know him would be useless, so I decided to tell them the truth. It took me an hour to tell them everything, how he came, what did he ask me to do, the threats, when Aaron came, and what happened today- he returned the money, not a big deal, but why did he take it in the first place if he didn't need it. Too much talking for a day, I want to sleep now.

"Wait, so it was his noise, I thought you said you fell." Aaron's really stupid sometimes!! I couldn't how could he believe it in the first place, I almost imagined barging through the doors that night.

"That's called lying you idiot." Stell said and we all laughed, I am glad I got this off my chest. They would anyways get to know it someday, just when I didn't know. But it was easy though, telling them all this.

"Guys I am really sleepy. We'll talk about all this tomorrow." I said lazily and headed in the direction of my room, only to hear Stell call after me

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