Act 7

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*_:The Walking Dead :_*

The Truth will set you free



Hope is next to Daryl as she stares at the fire "we're not safe with him keeping something like that from us. Why do you need him? He's just gonna pull you down" Carol says to Daryl "No,Ricks done all right by me" Daryl looks at her then Hope trying to see if she's okay because she hasn't been talking since Rick announced that we're all infected. "You're his henchman. And I'm a burden. You deserve better." "What do you want?" Hope grabs her family Crescent as she thinks of her parents "a man of honor" "Rick has honor" Daryl looks at his friend "Hope?" Her face moves to his direction "yes" "are you okay?" Pale finger twist her necklace "I'm fine" Daryl hums knowing she's lying. "What was that?" Beth ask "could be anything, could be Raccoon, could be possum" Daryl stands up looks around "walker" Glenn announces.


"We need to leave. What are we waiting for?" Carol said "which way?" Glenn speaks "it came from over there." Maggie answers as the Greenie family stands up looking for the sound "the last thing we need is for everyone to be running off in the dark. We don't have the vehicles.  No one's traveling on foot." Rick tells everyone "don't panic" Hershel tells his daughters "I'm not sitting here, waiting for another herd to blow through. We need to move, now" Maggie looks at Hope for help but she's keep looking at the fire. "No one is going anywhere." "Doing something" carol looks at Rick " i am doing something!! I'm keeping this group together, alive!" Hope finally stands up next to Daryl "I've been doing that all along, no matter what. I didn't ask for this! I killed my best friend for Christ's sake!!"


Everyone is quiet for a moment as Rick stares at me knowing he doesn't want everyone to know the real truth behind the story, but Hope didn't want him to hide her secret not anymore"it wasn't him" she cross her arms trying to keep herself warm as eyes stare at her form "Shane planned this whole story so he can kill his best friend. I saw Shane pointing a gun at Rick and I snap his neck." Hope bits her inside of her cheek try. Carl cry's on his mother " I- I have to tell you guys something. I'm not from here, I'm from a different universe. Where we have supernatural beings like vampires, werewolves, witch's, and more. I'm a tribrid vampire, werewolf, and witch." I flash my yellow eyes as someone of the group gasp in shock. Lori looks up "you're the wolf that save me?" "Yes" Hershel looks at Hope who she sees as a daughter "I'm glad you told us hope" he pulls her into a hug. Hope eyes sees Daryl she mouths 'thank you'

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