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"I want to fuck you, Zachariah." The words smoothly roll off of Lashawn's tongue.

While my heart races and my brain runs around in circles, I stare at Lashawn in silence. I'm torn between so many emotions. Confusion because yes I seen this coming, but where the fuck is this coming from? Disgust because this nigga is so freaked out and he's greedy on top of that. He already has Isaiah, why is he plotting on me now? Lastly, curiosity -

I've seen Isaiah limp more times after a night with Lashawn than after any basketball practice. I hate to say it, but a part of me is intrigued.

Isaiah is my homie though, so I'm just gonna stick with disgust and confusion.

Still looking at Lashawn, I yell out, "Yo, Isaiah!"

"Yes?" He calls back.

"Can you come over here real quick?" I ask.

Lashawn's facial expression doesn't change despite the fact that I'm about to snitch. That's suspicious. Anyways, Isaiah jogs over to us. "Wassup?" He questions.

A subtle way to ask this question doesn't come across my mind. I just straight up ask him, "Do you know that your man wants to fuck me?"

I fully expect Isaiah to dramatically turn, look at Lashawn, and be like, "Well, this is news to me." Instead, his facial expression doesn't change. In fact, Isaiah simply nods and replies with, "Yea."

It's like a record stops playing. I feel my eyebrows furrow as I question him, "Yea? What the fuck do you mean by that?"

"We've been talking about this," He explains, "In fact, I want Gian to fuck me."

That's what finally gets my jaw to drop. These niggas bruh...truly never ever beating the freaked out allegations. However, Isaiah ain't get like this until he started dating this Brooklyn freakazoid over here. So, I direct my energy towards him.

"See, I can understand Isaiah. The goofy lover boy persona is a turn on for me too. You -" I point at Lashawn, "-however, I don't get. I'm always talking shit to you -"

"That's where you fucked up." Isaiah sighs and shakes his head.

"I like 'em mean," Lashawn admits shamelessly, "It's a challenge that I love to take on and with you-"

Once again, he looks me and up down before making eye contact again. Then, he says, "I just know I'd make you cry."

After hearing that, I look at Isaiah. Not only does he affirm Lashawn's comment, but he also adds, "I want to watch him make you cry."

At this point, all I can do is just look back and forth between them. Too many thoughts race through my head. Too many emotions got my heart racing. So ultimately, I just end up walking away.

I walk down to the other end of the court. Gian is just getting done with a successful layup. Noticing me, he approaches me with a curious look.

"What was that about?" He asks.

"Just Lashawn being weird and Isaiah sticking beside him." I reply, not wanting to go further in detail.

Gian is unfazed by that. "Nothing new there." He comments.

He hands the ball over to me. I silently thank him for not pressing me to elaborate further. In fact, the conversation ends there. Moving around the court, I dribble past the free throw line. I get close enough to where I can lay the ball up. Afterwards, I pass the ball back to Gian.

For the remainder of practice, I tried to focus on the task at hand, but I wasn't able to get Lashawn and Isaiah's words out of my head. They didn't help my case, as a matter of fact, they worsened it. There was a time Isaiah and I were both gunning for the loose ball. He dove on the floor for it and I stood over him from behind, trying to shake it loose from his grip. When Coach blowed the whistle and told us to break it up, Isaiah got up, leading with his ass, causing it to brush against my crotch as he stood up. I was baffled of course, but I was just gonna brush it off as an accident. However, Isaiah's wink before he ran off, let me know it was 100% intentional.

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