ch 23

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∞ ° 𐐪𐑂 ❁ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ❁ 𐐪𐑂 ° ∞

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∞ ° 𐐪𐑂𐐪𐑂𐐪𐑂𐐪𐑂 ° ∞


+ nsfw (18+)
+ mention of drugs

∞ ° 𐐪𐑂𐐪𐑂𐐪𐑂𐐪𐑂 ° ∞


To explain his side but his mind feels funny from the drug, his heart is racing from its effect as usual. If only he could force his words on you, he would do it because right now you are being hard for him to deal with. It's an irritant, but he is trying to suppress it.

"Look at you! Shouting at me again. Haruchiyo, I don't fucking know anymore!" Your voice raised, frustrated at what was just fine a moment ago is already in chaos. Happiness just slipped that fast. Where's the gentle Haruchiyo who told her those hidden feelings that burrowed?

When you thought that you won't cry anymore, that the rain has passed, here you are again. Repeating the same cycle over and over again. No one will not get tired of having to see the temporary relief drift away from reach.

"Just fucking listen!!" Haruchiyo's voice is louder than yours on that note. As if reminding you that this is who he really is. "All you have to do is listen but you gotta run your mouth huh?!"

You brushed your fingers in your hair, head down. "Can you hear yourself?" It was painful, too painful to shout further, there's a lingering pain on your chest. Like it was stabbed and the dagger is left buried there.

When people are afraid, they tend to motivate themselves to face their fears. Even if what they are afraid of came true, they are resilient enough to continue facing it. But, they can't always do that because sometimes people think that they have overcome fears when they actually don't. Then they face it again only to realize that nothing's changed. In the end, if they are not successful, they'd grow tired. Basically, running away halfway.

You thought you didn't have to be afraid, but it has returned.

"I told you, I can explain!" He continued shouting and even pulled your elbow in a tight grip, in a failed attempt to wear your pants.

"Explain what? That you have an underlying addiction to drugs and you are being controlled by it. I can fucking see the case, Haru. Can't I be shocked? Do I have to accept this instantly just because you can explain it?" You slap his hand and he flinches at the deed.

"What? So, you are going to leave me again? Just because of this?" He tried gaslighting you but it won't work, you may have done him wrong in the past, but in this one, you knew you were at the right.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14 ⏰

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