Kaela's head pounded, a terrible pain that came in waves. Then she heard voices. One she recognized, and one she didn't.
Light shone, and the voice she didn't recognize instructed her to open her eyes. She did, slowly. Her body was stiff and groggy. Her chest and ribs ached, but her head was worse, as if a vise was tightened around her skull.
"There you go," the older stranger said, and the light disappeared. The man put the flashlight back into his coat pocket and examined her.
Derek was standing close behind him, and she tried to smile at him, but her head protested.
"You okay?" He wore a smile, but his voice was filled with worry.
How adorable.
"Yeah," she squeaked as her ribs protested. So many questions were swimming around in her throbbing head, but until she could think straight again, the interrogation would have to wait.
"It's hard to tell without an X-ray, but I don't think any ribs are broken. Bruised pretty badly, but not broken. No concussion, either. You're a tough one, young lady. Lucky too. What do you last remember?"
Kaela hissed in pain as another wave hit her head. Even thinking hurt, but she tried to remember what had happened before she went out.
"I remember being on my knees," she started, "in front of the chief. She was about to shoot me. Then I remember seeing Rob on the rooftop. After that, I remember hearing a shot ring out, and that's about it."
The man looked at Derek, who nodded.
"That's good," the man said, standing. "My name's George, by the way. I'm a friend of Eric's."
"Eric's here?"
"That's right. He's down there in the bunker."
Derek sighed and scratched the back of his neck. "Do you think we can get her down there? I don't like being exposed like this. I have a bad feeling about the chief letting us go."
Kaela blinked. The chief had let them go? "Why?" she breathed.
Derek sat next to her with a groan, casting a glance outside. "She said something about it being one last favor to Eric. But I have a feeling she might just want to track us. Which means, if you're able to stand at all, I would really appreciate if we could all go down into the hideout."
Kaela shifted, but her head forced her back down. More than anything, she wished staying in this exact spot was an option, but Derek's paranoia was right. She would rather deal with the pain than be killed by the chief. Rotoya wouldn't aim for the vest next time.
"Okay," Kaela said, and she rose.
The process was slow and frustrating, and her ribs allowed her very little speed as she used the wall for support and slid up to her feet. Derek stood on her other side, keeping her balanced.
"Where's Rob?" she asked. "I need to thank him for what he did."
Derek remained silent, and when Kaela looked at him, his eyes were pointed at the ground. What had happened while she was out? She searched her memory, and in the darkness, a moment of clarity revealed itself. Her hand had wrapped around the cold grip of her knife, plunging it into the leg of some officer. She wasn't sure if that was real or a figment of her imagination. She felt that cold hit her hand again, and when she looked down, Derek was slipping the knife into her palm. She took it and sheathed it against her leg.
Derek wrapped Kaela's arm around his shoulder as she pushed off the wall. Every step she took sent waves of pain to her head and ribs.
George waited patiently at the cooler, and with his and Derek's help, she climbed down the ladder into the bunker. She leaned against the wall until Derek climbed down to help her balance again. George slid through the entrance with some trouble and waited on the other side should she fall. She was embarrassed at needing so much help because of an injury.
Misterio / SuspensoHe was a monster. The nightmares had tried to tell him for years. They were right. Arachna: A web-shaped city with a dazzling nightlife to distract its residents from that place-the slums. An abandoned section of Arachna where the poor suffer and cr...