The Daimyo

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Boba, riding his bantha crosses over a large hill of sand and comes across the large monastery formally known as Jabba's palace and once he spots the motor pool hangar on one of the palace's sides, he begins to slowly make his way there-

Once Boba gets close to the large motor pool entrance, he spots a group of klatooinian and weequay guards who notice him and cautiously grab at their blasters- Fett climbs off his bantha and approaches them hoarsely greeting,
"Let me through- my ship is within those hangars."

Boba watches them stand there unmoving before he begins to step forward, but once the guards stop in front of him, he utters,
"I am Boba Fett- you will step aside."

The guards look to each other with doubtful and suspicious glances before one carefully pulls out a comm link,
"Majordomo- we have an intruder who claims to be Boba Fett- your orders?"

Boba watches as the weequay guard puts the comm link down, "You will wait here- our master will see you for himself."

Fett watches as the guards slowly encircle him, and he carefully grips at some secret blaster pistols he obtained from the kintan striders at his belt before the massive garage begins to open-

The quarren Tessek, being flanked by a sakiyan and gamorrean guard, approach the tusken robed bounty hunter and outdoor guards and quickly looks over Boba before sputtering, "Fools- does this desert skitter look like a mandalorian warrior-? Dispose of him immediately-"

Before the guards can reach for their blasters Boba growls, "You don't want to be my enemy Tessek- I don't keep mine around."

Tessek strokes his facial tentacles, "Now this is an interesting development- perhaps you are who you claim to be- my lord will want to see you- come."

Boba follows Tessek and his two guards as the rest stay behind with his bantha-
As they enter into the large hangar Boba stops once he spots the Slave I among the many ships and skiffs-
The sakiyan guard behind Fett slightly nudges him forward as Tessek chuckles,
"Is there a problem-? My master will want to speak with you now-"

Boba grimaces as he reluctantly continues to walk past his ship, and before Tessek can lead him past the inner motor pool, the quarren turns around,
"My lord rules that guests who enter his palace cannot carry weapons before his presence- allow my men to-"

Boba grips at his holsters while glaring at Tessek, "I can meet your master with or without your presence."
The two guards reach for their weapons, but Tessek waves his hand, "Very well- let us not delay."
Boba looks back one last time as the palace garage door slowly closes and encompasses the inner motor pool in darkness.
Tessek leads Boba through the now mostly empty halls of what was once Jabba's palace until they come close to the audience chamber where Tessek quietly hisses,
"My master is conducting business at the moment- he shall deal with you soon."

When Boba looks out form the side entrance, he spots the former majordomo of Jabba, the twi'lek Bib Fortuna now sitting on a throne seat placed over Jabba's dais with a pink scantily clad mirialan slave chained to his side as a trio of pykes face him along with a dozen gamorrean and weequay guards and bounty hunters J'Quille, Beedo and Amanaman-

The lead masked pyke Fife faces Fortuna, "This new deal you offer insults us! Jabba-"

"Is DEAD." Bib smirks saying in huttese, "And with his death comes great change- my rulership has not yet been fully established across the planet- once I completely rule Tatooine, the old deal can return."

Fife scowls as his two elite pyke guards clutch their pike staffs, "The pykes cannot wait for you to settle your puny squabbles- the trade routes in this sector are too invaluable to lose- you will transport our spice!"

[Star Wars] Book of Boba Fett RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now