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Hanni and Minji have been friends since they were in diapers. Despite their parents getting along well, the two were practically inseparable. However, this began to change when they entered middle school. Hanni was frequently told not to hang out with Minji because she was considered ‘weird.’ At first, Hanni ignored these comments, determined not to let anyone influence her opinion of Minji. But as they progressed through middle school, that resolve started to waver. By the time they reached 8th grade, they began to drift apart.

In high school, Hanni blossomed into one of the most popular girls, thanks to her cheerleading, clean record, good grades, handsome boyfriend, and large circle of friends. Meanwhile, Minji remained the target of ridicule, with some of the taunts coming from Hanni’s own friends. As they entered their sophomore year, Minji and Hanni stopped talking and became estranged by the start of their junior year. Minji never expected their friendship to deteriorate so drastically and suspected that Hanni’s rising popularity was to blame. Though Hanni had always been likable, to Minji, she now seemed different. The tension between them, especially when Hanni joined in on the teasing, felt particularly painful. As they navigate their junior and senior years, the pair experience numerous ups and downs, eventually uncovering the root of their rivalry.

AN- hope you guys enjoy!

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