-Chapter 4-

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My eyes keep darting between Minji and my friends, like they have a mind of their own. It's a weird reflex I can't shake, almost as if I'm on high alert every time she's around.

Minji is standing with her group, chatting away and laughing with this new girl she's hanging out with, and it's seriously getting on my nerves.

I mean, this is her frist time at a party and shes already so relaxed. I dont know why, it's a bit infuriating. Even though i can feel my annoyance rising, there's a tiny, twisted thrill in knowing that now I have two people to mess with instead of just one.

Silver linings, right?
Having now found a reason to be at least a little excited about Minji's new friend, I lean in closer to my squad,trying to sound casual, like i wasnt staring at them for a while now.

"Hey, guys, don't make it obvious, but I think Minji's got herself a new nerd friend," I say, subtly pointing towards the girl who's practically glued to Minji's side.

Danielle, one of my best friends, immediately catches the hint. "Finally, someone new! JUst when i was getting tired of just picking on Minji." she says with a grin.

The rest of the group chimes in, their excitement clear as they start dissecting every little detail about the new girl—from her chunky, slightly too big for her face glasses, to her obnoxiously nerdly outfit that screams she's trying to fit in but is failing.

As they continue to talk, I'm only half-listening, my laughs feeling more like an automatic response than genuine amusement. My gaze keeps drifting back to Minji and her new friend.

Seeing Minji laugh and seem so carefree with someone else is a weird experience, especially since we aren't friends anymore. It's like watching an old TV show rerun and realizing you...miss it...even though you didn't think you cared.

It stirs up this odd, tangled mess of emotions—irritation, a touch of nostalgia, and this gnawing feeling I can't quite name.

Just as my thoughts are starting to spiral, Jison steps in with his usual flair for changing the scene. "Okay, guys, let's shake things up a bit. This party is seriously dragging," he announces, taking a long sip from his cup as if to emphasize his point.

Im slightly grateful for is suggestion, since a game could serve as a distraction from my thoughts. After a quick round of debating boring game options, we settle on a pretty interesting one: truth, dare, or drink.

Instantly, the energy shifts as people start moving towards us—some to join in the game, others just to see what kind of chaos will ensue.
As the game continues, I can't help but notice Minji still hanging out in the corner,watching the game silently. She looks like shes waiting for a bus or something.

It's kind of sad but also ridiculously amusing to see her standing there so out of place. Just when I'm about to focus back on the game, I catch sight of the new girl from earlier making her way over to Minji and starting a conversation.

Seriously, what's their deal? I can't help but roll my eyes and try to push the irritation aside. I need to focus on the game and not let these two distract me from the fun we're supposed to be having.

Soon enough it's Jinson's turn again, and someone decides to hit him with a question. "Have you ever kissed someone else while dating Hanni?" the guy asks, a slightly suspicious grin plastered across his face.

My eyes lock onto Jinson, and I'm practically on the edge of my seat waiting for his response.

To my shock, he flashes a quick glance at his friends with a smirk creeping across his face, and then grabs the shot glass from the table.

He throws back the shot in one go, and I hear a burst of giggles and murmurs ripple through the room.

It's clear that a few people are in on some kind of inside joke that I'm completely unaware of. I sit there, stunned, trying to piece together what just happened. He really just took the shot.

My confusion starts to shift into frustration as Jinson meets my gaze with a look that says he's done nothing wrong.

"What? Don't act like you haven't kissed anyone else, because you have... right?" he says, his tone dripping with a casual, almost annoyed tone.

My face flushes with anger. "What the hell does that even mean?!" I snap, my voice rising. The room instantly goes silent, the only noise now the thumping bass of the music that seems way too loud.

I stand up abruptly, my heart pounding as I storm out of the room, heading for the backyard.

I hear Jinson's muffled laughter behind me, mixed with the sound of his voice calling out, "Hanni, let me explain."

The awkward chuckles from the others follow me as I push through the door into the backyard.

Outside, the cool night air hits me, but it does little to calm the whirlwind of emotions inside. Tears start to sting my eyes, and I feel like I'm drowning in a mix of embarrassment, betrayal, and confusion.

This is the last place I want to be right now and I wish I could just disappear.

Party games suck.

A/N: Hey guys! i'm trying my best to get these chapters out, but school is making it pretty difficult 😭.  This chapter is also pretty short, but i'll get some longer ones out soon. Also, i didn't think that this book would get any reads at all, so thank you!!

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