chapter nine.

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JUNE 22, 2013


"Hey," Taylor said as she walked into Tree's cabin. There was only about a week left of camp, and things had been going smoothly. Michael was taking to all of the camera well,m and after his outburst hitting Patrick, nothing more had happened since. She hadn't heard about a single nightmare, and he was having the time of his life with his new friends and learning new things. He could now swim and ride a bike as if he had had those friends all of his life. Travis had stepped into the father role so effortlessly, and Taylor couldn't ask for anything better.

"Hey, what's up?" Tree asked, looking up from the stacks of papers that had piled up on her desk over the last few days. With camp coming to a quick close, she had a few loose ends she needed to tie up before the campers left to enjoy the rest of their summer with their families.

"So I heard people talking about a dance?" She asked, confused. Apparently, since she left, there was now an annual dance that the camp put on at the end of camp, sort of like a prom.

"Yeah, what about it?" Tree asked, putting down her pen and giving Taylor her full attention.

"Michael and I don't have anything to wear to a formal event," Taylor told Tree, a small frown on her face.

"What size do you both wear? I'll go get you both something," Tree said, going back to the papers that were scattered across the desk.

"Really?" Taylor asked, a hint of light sparking from her eyes.

"Yeah, you know you're like me and Lance's long lost child. We'll get you and our long-lost grandbaby something."

"Thank you, Tree." Taylor walked behind Tree's desk and embraced her. Tree wrapped her arms around Taylor and rubbed her back.

"You're welcome, sweetheart." Being able to do something for Taylor meant the world to Tree. Knowing how rough she had it growing up, and knowing how rough she had it being a single parent made her want to give her everything she ever dreamed of. Taylor was a sweet girl, a kindhearted girl, and she deserved people around her that loved and supported her. She deserved the niceness that she hadn't seen from others in the past. If no one else was able to provide those things for her, Tree and Lance were going to do it for her. Traylor left out of the cabin and was on her way, a smile on her face. Minutes after she walked out, Lance walked in, flowers and poster boards in hand. "What is all of this for?" Tree questioned.

"Travis and Jason wanted them to ask Taylor and Kylie to the dance," Lance revealed.

"You have impeccable timing because Taylor literally just walked out of here," Tree told him, which made Lance laugh. "And since you have such wonderful timing, you're in charge of this place while I'm gone," Tree told him, getting up from where she was sitting.

"Where are you going?" Lance asked, grabbing her by her waist and pulling her into him.

"I'm going get our daughter and our grandson something to wear to the dance. That's why Taylor came in here." Tree replied.

"I guess I can let you go since the mission you are going on is important," Lance told her.

"It very much is," Tree said, a smile on her face. Lance kissed her quickly and let her go. Tree grabbed the things she needed for her outing and headed towards the door. "Oh, and I hope you're asking me to the dance, too," Lance let out a loud laugh as Tree vanished out of the cabin.

[ camp discovery ]


Once Lance handed Travis his assortment of things, Travis was off to work. This was the first year Travis had ever thought about asking anyone to the dance. He usually just hung back and watched the kids as they danced the night away. But this year, he had motivation, and that motivation was Taylor.

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