Time for School

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"Lily baby, can you pass me the remote? True crime is on!" My mother chirped excitedly kicking her feet back and forth. I roll my eyes at my mother's childlike behavior.

"Mom, only psychos get this excited for true crime," I tell her in a teasing tone which she returns with a pillow in my face. "Hush! Now, I'll go psychotic if my true crime isn't on in the next 3 seconds!" She whined reaching over me for the remote.

I fake gasp for air when she reaches over resting her weight on me. "Ow Mom get off of me!" I whine and she laughs getting off of me. "You act like I'm fat," she rolls her eyes at my dramatic act. I can't help but laugh.

She positions herself back in her spot on the couch pointing the remote toward our living room tv.

When she hit the power button, she was gone.


I fling the covers off of my cold sweaty frame, gasping for air.



I need air. I silently wheeze for air holding back my tears.

My door suddenly swings open and Caleb rushes to my side pulling back my hair. "Hey Lily, it's okay, you're okay, just take a deep breath, in and out," he holds me tight and comforts me. Slowly, very slowly, my breath starts to return to a somewhat steady rhythm.

I take one last deep breath and I feel better. "Sorry for waking you up," I tell him in shame. He scoffs at my apology.

"Hey don't you ever and I mean never apologize for having nightmares Lily, you just lost your mother and you have every right to be upset and go through this," he says, and despite the mention of my mother, the tears I was holding begin to fall. I lean into Caleb as he rubs my back and squeezes my hand.

His comforting actions cause me to drift into a deep thankfully dreamless sleep.

The next morning I woke up to an alarm. I never set an alarm. I reach toward my nightstand without opening my eyes but my hand hits something on the way over.

I reach back to where my hand was stopped and feel around. Something warm. I feel around until I feel the object vibrating under my touch.

I open my eyes and see that my hand is on a leg. Horrified, I slowly look up to see Easton holding up his phone with his other hand over his mouth trying not to laugh.

"EASTON! What are you doing in my room?!" I exclaim pulling my hand back. I sit myself up and rub my eyes as Easton finally turns off the alarm and releases his laugh.

"Sorry honey but dad wanted me to wake you up for school today which you have to go to now with me," I cringe at his use of the word honey. Despite his barely considerable Italian accent, the word still sounds sultry rolling off his tongue. His Italian is much different than Griffins.

He's hot but his annoying persona overtakes all of that.

"Fine whatever, could you please leave now?" I whine falling back into bed that I didn't even realize I had gotten out of. "Oh and by the way, your Italian accent sounds weird," I shoot out of annoyance. I can practically sense his smirk. Just as I think he's gone I feel the bed dip beside me.

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