Easton Lockwood

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"Lily Billy! It's your first day of high school!" My mother shouts holding me in a tight hug. "Moooom, let go and stop screaming I'm right here!" I groan and squirm from her grasp. She only holds onto me tighter.

"How could I calm down when my baby is starting high school?" She tells me and finally lets me go. I dust myself off and look up to give her an eye roll and a slick remark but then she's gone.


One doesn't simply know Easton Lockwood. Especially not some girl from a small town in nowhere Colorado. At least that's what I've been hearing from the countless people whispering.

My first day of school I managed to catch everyone's eyes by simply strolling in with the infamous Easton Lockwood. No, that's not even when this started. It started when I got out of HIS CAR.

'Easton doesn't drive girls to school'

'Easton never stays with one girl long enough to drive them to school'

'Easton drove a girl to school and is walking her through school'

'Who is this girl and what has she done to Easton?'

The whispers are causing my head to spin. I hear a low chuckle from next to me. When I look over at Easton, he's got the goofiest grin on his face trying not to laugh anymore. "What?" I ask hoping to sound unamused by everything.

"I know you can hear them and yet you've got the most unbothered and yet so very bothered look on your pretty little face," he smirks at the last bit of his words. I elbow him in the side turning away not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing the heat in my cheeks.

He lets out a laugh. Not a chuckle, not some sly half laugh. A full laugh. The entire hallway turns in our direction in utter shock, disbelief and wonder.

"Shhhhhh Easton! Everyone's staring at us!" I whisper shout at him which causes him to laugh again. Lower this time, thank god. "Want me to get them to never look at you again?" He asks. I turn back to him expecting to see a smirk or a goofy smile or something along the lines but no.

He's got the most serious expression on his face I'd ever seen. "You're joking." I say still expecting a laugh. Nothing.

"Lily bird, I'd never joke about anything if it would help you," he says finally flashing me a pearly white smile. Oh. God. Heat rushes to my cheeks again and I don't turn away fast enough and he laughs.

"Come on, let's get you to your class, dad gave me your schedule," he tells me pulling a paper from his pocket. "So.. what? You're gonna be my personal escort today?" I ask him half joking but half hopeful I won't be alone all of today.

He gives me a goofy grin. "As much as I would love to, no I'm not. I've got a friend who's gonna do that for me. I figure it would be best to get the looks off you on your first day," he explains and I sigh both relieved and a little disappointed.

"Hey don't look so sad, I'll see you at lunch," he nudges me in the arm. I roll my eyes "as if but yes find me at lunch please," I give him my best puppy dog face. He laughs in return.

"Well how could I say no to that?" His head tilts to the side and he flashes a goofy smile that makes my stomach feel warm. The weird feeling makes me dizzy but I push it away.

"Alright Lily bird, this is your first class, AP Physics, dad put you in all of the advanced classes with the highest hopes in you so let him know if anything's too much and he'll drop you down," he tells me and my mouth falls open.

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