Chapter nine

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Chapter 9

Amelia's POV

"Come on Babe, I've been waiting for half an hour!" I hear Damien shout from downstairs. After he caught me, he tortured me with tickles until I admitted I was beautiful. Weirdly, I think I'm starting to believe him. Now we are on our way to Crofts Ltd. research centre as I managed to convince him that his meetings could not wait till tomorrow. 

"Coming!" I grab my handbag, check my self one last time and run down the stairs.

"Finally!" He put his hand in mine and pulled me towards his car. 

When we arrived at Crofts Ltd. We walked to the lift hand in hand and when we got in he pressed 2 and I pressed 4. Just as the doors were closing we heard a screechy, female voice shout "Open the doors!" Damien did and in came a tall, tanned, skinny woman with black hair and a very short skirt. She pressed floor 6, started breathing normally after a few seconds and then looked at mine and Damen's hands before looking me straight in the eye. "Are you two together?!" She asked with disgust clear in her eyes. 

"Err, yes?" I didn't mean to make it sound like a question but the accusing eyes made me feel like I was punching way above my weight with such a sexy CEO as Damien. I felt Damien squeeze my hand and I smiled slightly at him. 

"Wow. If you can get him, I bet normal girls like me are destined for absolutely gorgeous things. Otherwise there must be a reason he's with you; sex, money... pity? On second thoughts I would cross off the first two, love." She smiled a sickly sweet smile at me and Damien. 

When we arrived on floor 2 Damien squeezed my hand, and instead of letting me travel up to floor 4 dragged me into his office with him. He let go of my hand and started pacing. I could tell he was angry, hell I thought he was going to break a vase he stopped and looked at for a couple seconds. I didn't want him to hurt himself or any precious belongings and seeing him upset broke my heart more than that girls mean words. 

"Damien, look at me." I stood in front of him and held his face in my hands. His eyes had gone black with anger and so I kissed him. It was the only way I could think of to get my sweet, loving Damien back and show him I didn't care about what she had said. The kiss started off slow but once Damien came back to me he took control and we fought for dominance. He still tasted like his minty toothpaste and I loved it. He lifted me up and I was forced to wrap my legs around his waist as he placed his hands on my butt. 

I wanted to kiss him all day everyday but my lungs were getting very empty, so I reluctantly pulled away. He began kissing down my neck whilst I whispered in his ear sweet nothings. "She spoke complete bullshit.", "I'm so glad I met you." He then looked up at me like he was going to say something. 

"Amelia?" I looked him in the eye.

"Yes, love?" I really want to tell him I love him but it seems too soon, it's only been two days since we met!

"I'm not with you for pity or money, you know that right?"

"Yes, I know."

"And I wouldn't trade you for the world. Let me take you on a date. I want to make you feel like you're the only girl in the world. The only girl that I love and will ever love, other than the daughters you will give me and the granddaughters they give me. I love you, babe, just the way you are."

A tear slipped out of my eye. "I love you too, so so much."

He whipped away my tear with his thumb and then proceeded to show my mouth a lot of love.


Holy moly, 1K reads!!! Thank you all so much! Sorry this chapter is short but it was kind of a filler. I have big plans for this story and Thankyou all for the nice comments and votes! I want to dedicate chapters to you all so comment something nice and I'll give you a chapter! I promise to post soon, love yas!!! xxxxxxxxxx

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