Chapter twenty four

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Chapter 24

Amelia's POV

I couldn't look as the doctor squeezed my arm and stuck the needle in, hooking me up to the machine that had the ability to suck the life out of my unborn child. I was given biscuits and crisps to keep me from fainting if my blood sugar levels got too low but I couldn't eat them because I felt sick to my stomach.

I saw the bag fill with my dark red blood, crossing my fingers that it was the stuff Damien needed. When it was full the doctor unhooked me and made me lie down on the bed next to my mate. I took his hand in mine as the doctor hooked my blood up to his other.

The doctor looked at me with a sad smile, "All we can do now is wait. Press this button if anything happens to him or if you feel at all ill, we can't have the Luna out of action too.." That said he left the room to check on the other patients. I was left to my own thoughts, lying next to my love, his hand gripped tightly in mine.

Why did this happen to him? It's selfish but I would happily swap places with Damien just so I didn't have to go through this heartache. It's also terrible of me but I can't help thinking if Bella's mum hadn't been killed and she'd come into our care, we wouldn't be in this situation. But I know life throws challenges at you and, when you overcome them, you become a much stronger person.

Thinking this, I realised how tired I was and allowed my eyelids to drop and my body to relax.


I woke up when I felt a tightness around my hand. Wait a second did I just feel my hand being squeezed?! Damien?! 

My eyes fly open and I'm greeted by the eyes of my mate weakly smiling back at me. I'm too shocked and happy to say anything but I feel tears of relief falling onto my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry love, I'll never put you through something like this ever again." He whispered, whiping my cheeks with the thumb of the hand I wasn't still clutching in mine.


It was another week before Damien could leave the hospital and by then he was super grouchy and ready to leave the 'four walled prison' as he so fondly referred to his hospital room. 

It was Friday night and Damien, Bella and I were all snuggled together with Bella's movie choice - Trolls. I was actually really enjoying the movie when I felt Damien's hand snake round my waist, under my tee shirt and start rubbing circles on my stomach. 

I flinched at first, still not used to people touching my chubby tummy; I guess I'll always be at least a little insecure about my body. I hear a low, quiet growl in my left ear. "Hey, don't hide your body from me," Damien managed to say authoritively but without it being loud enough for Bella to hear.

"Sorry, I am comfortable around you I just need time to get used to you loving every part of me." I say looking into his eyes and placing my hand on his. His scowl turns loving and his eyes soften. 

"It's fine, I just don't like it when you flinch, it hurts my wolf. Anyway I just wanted to stroke my beautiful mate's baby bump."

Shit I keep forgetting I'm pregnant! I guide our hands to my stomach and rub it, overcome with maternal possesiveness. All of a sudden I feel a kick which kind of hurts but I'm so shocked and happy my baby's well that all I can do is look up at Damien with wide eyes.

"Did you feel that?!" I whisper yell, so excited.

"Yes, it was amazing. Our baby's communicating with us." Damien was grinning ear to ear and when the baby kicked again we both giggled with glee.

"Shhhh! I'm trying to watch the movie, it's getting super tense!" Bella glared at us with her finger to her lips.

"Sorry love, but Amelia's tummy is doing some strange things!" Damien laughed, I couldn't help but grin. This is a moment I wanted to capture and remember forever. 

"Is it my baby brother or sister? Can I feel?" Bella asked tentatively but I could hear the undertone of excitement. It almost didn't register that she called our baby her sibling. I know we'll never replace her own mum but I hope that she can think of us as a kind of auntie and uncle who love her as much as her own parents would. 

I took her hand and placed it on my stomach also, all of our attention no longer on Trolls. Waiting for the baby to kick I gazed around at my loved ones. And when my babe did kick and everyone let out a noise of excitement and joy I couldn't help but let a little happy tear fall.

I was so content - it's funny how just over a week ago things were the lowest of the low, but now I feel like I'm floating on cloud 9!


Thanks everyone for sticking with us I reckon there's only gonna b a couple more chapters but please comment baby name suggestions and my favourites will get a shoutout and chapter dedication ! Love you all so much - ur comments and support is y I keep writing  xxxx

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