Chapter twenty-one

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Chapter 21

Amelia's POV

*Damien?! Are you there?* I frantically called, hoping he had good news.

*Babe, I'm so so sorry. I don't think there's a way out of this for me. Just promise-*

*What the fuck Damien?! Don't talk like your dying I won't accept this!* I screamed, my hands became clammy.

*Just promise me one thing, sweetie*

*No stop stop, you will be ok I know it! I won't survive without you!*

*That's not what I want darling. You need to promise to go on. Promise to look after our baby and don't give up. I won't have you die because of me.*

*Damien no! You can't do this to me!*

*I'm sorry, baby, I have no choice.*

That was the last thing I heard him say. He blocked me out and I started screaming. I don't know what happened after that because all I saw was red.

Damien's POV

I felt terrible to have done that to her but I genuinely couldn't think of a way out. I knew she'd hate me and never forgive me but I just wanted to here her voice a final time. I looked up at my brother's gun, pointing mercilessly at me.

I searched his face but gave up. He was beyond mercy. So I said my final words to him "For fuck's sake, just do it."


Amelia's POV

When my vision cleared I was sprinting through the woods on all fours. To my left and right about a dozen wolves followed me as we headed to God knows where.

*We're saving our dumb ass mate!* My wolf shouted in my head.

I wasn't in control of my actions at all, it felt as if I was watching everything through a TV screen. Just in the distance I caught a glimpse of what looked like an air raid shelter. Barely peeking out above the thick foliage. Around it were dying and injured wolves, some of which I recognised from the pack others who were clearly rouges.

We weaved our way through the debris and found a small entrance. There I caught the scent my mate not long passed. The only thing I could think was *I hope it's not too late*. A wolf to my left knocked down the door with his shoulder and everyone filed in. As we were searching the halls for any signs of Damien I heard the one thing that made my heart stop and which echoed through my head long after it had finished echoing through the halls. A gun shot.

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