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NOTE: I have school today so it will be challenging for me to give more stories and im gonna show the one-shot of hades vs steppenwolf after entire story end :(

NOTE: I have school today so it will be challenging for me to give more stories and im gonna show the one-shot of hades vs steppenwolf after entire story end :(

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Cyclops emerged from the swirling portal, his black leather suit scorched and battered from the harrowing journey through hell

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Cyclops emerged from the swirling portal, his black leather suit scorched and battered from the harrowing journey through hell. The familiar sights and sounds of Earth greeted him, a stark contrast to the infernal landscape he had just escaped. As he stumbled forward, the weight of the three Mother Boxes in his arms, he was met by the anxious faces of his teammates, the Teen Titans.

Starfire: (rushing forward) Cyclops! You're back!

Raven: (concerned) Are you okay?

Beast Boy: (transforming back to his human form) Dude, that was one hell of a trip!

Cyborg: (scanning him with his sensors) You look like you've been through a lot, man.

Robin: (stepping forward) We were worried about you.

Cyclops, overwhelmed by the relief and warmth of his friends, managed a tired smile as they all enveloped him in a group hug.

Cyclops: (with a weary grin) I'm fine. Hell wasn't exactly a vacation, but I'm fine.

As they released him, Cyclops dropped the three Mother Boxes to the ground, their significance not lost on the team.

Cyclops: (looking around) Where's Ethan?

Robin's expression grew serious as he explained.

Robin: (sighing) Ethan... he returned to the future. He said his mission here was complete and that he had to go back to ensure things stayed on the right path.

Cyclops: (nodding slowly) I see. We'll miss him, but he's where he needs to be.

Starfire: (placing a comforting hand on Cyclops's shoulder) And you're where you need to be now, with us.

Raven: (smiling faintly) It's good to have you back.

Beast Boy: (grinning) Yeah, man, we couldn't let you have all the fun without us.

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