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     "DID YOU DO AS I told you?" Otto Hightower questioned his daughter

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     "DID YOU DO AS I told you?" Otto Hightower questioned his daughter. They agreed to meet up to discuss the matters at hand.

     "Yes, it was a brilliant idea. How could a young man not crack in a room with a beautiful princess." Alicent said sharing her thoughts.

    "In no time we will see results." Otto smirked.

     SAELOR THOUGHT IT WOULD be nice to get breakfast for her 'patient'. So before Lucerys could wake up on his own she snuck out of his chambers and went down to the kitchen.

     Lucerys was shaken awake by Saelor. She was already dressed and ready for the day contrary to him. She wore a red dress that complimented her sone up hair. He wasn't used to seeing the Hightower children wearing the traditional Targaryen colors, even if she was half Targaryen. Luce remembered how him and Jace used to joke around saying that Alicent dressed her kids.

      He missed his brothers and his mother, he even missed his stepfather. Which he never thought would happen. As soon as he was better and able to fly Lucerys planned on claiming one of the dragons in the redkeep and journeying back to Dragonstone.

     "Good evening my prince. I let you sleep in a bit, but I figured you had enough sleep..." Saelor awkwardly smiled. "I brought you breakfast."

     Luce stayed quiet looking into the girls eyes for any sign of insincerity. All he could see was the slight freckles that appeared around her nose. Her eyes were green and her hair a dark shade of red, unlike any of her siblings.

     "I would never poison you if that's what you think." Saelor said taking a bite out of the bread to show him it was safe.

     "I never said you would." Lucerys sheepishly rubbed his neck.

     "Wont you eat?" Saelor asked, pushing the plate closer.

     "I'd rather die than be apart of the greens plan." Lucerys sneered. The boy made sure to use the nickname they had given the Hightower/Targaryen children for the color they so often wore. A color that signified envy, and greed. A fitting color really.

     "If you even want to see your family again than eat." Saelor snapped. "I have been kind to you, but if this is how you want to be I can be the say." Saelor Targaryen was honestly tired of er nephews stubborn nature. That was a trait many Targaryen's held. So they say. Saelor wouldn't call herself stubborn, she would say ambitious.

     Lucerys exhaled picking up the piece of bread and eating it. He couldn't remember the last time he had eaten. He could have lied and said he wasn't hungry but the growling of his stomach gave him away.

     "Do you miss your family?" Saelor asked the prince infront of her as she watched him eat.

     Lucerys rolled his eyes at the girl. "You don't have to make small talk."

     "My apologies I didn't know trying to get to know a person is small talk." Saelor said in discompose.

     "It is." Luce said putting the empty plate down onto the bedside table.

     Saelor moved to sit down onto the bed infront of Luce. That's when he figured she was going to be annoying him for more than a minute. "We are stuck in one another's company so why don't we make the best out of it?" Lucerys clicked his tongue not convinced. "I just want to learn more about you. Not everyone in the redkeep is out for your blood. Im family to you know."

     "What is it you want to know?" Lucerys asked causing a smile of victory to grow on Saelor's face.

     "Tell me about your family" Saelor said

     "So you can report back to your mother?" Lucerys said with his normal attitude attached. He didn't want the green bitch to know anything she needn't know. Live knew to play this with caution. He couldn't let anyone play him for a fool.

     "Would you rather me talk about my family first than?" Saelor genuinely asked. Lucerys shrugged and the princess took it as a sign to go on. "I'm much younger than all of my siblings. I suppose Helena is just fine. We don't converse much. A quiet woman she is."

     Lucerys nodded. He already knew Helena to be a oddly quiet person. Jace liked that about her. Luce always thought his older brother had a crush on the silver haired girl. He had even tease him for it many times.

     "Aegon..." Saelor slightly frowned at her brothers name. "He is a..." Saelor's mputh was agape. She couldn't think of the words to describe him, without it being a act of treason. "I don't gave a word proper enough for a lady to say describing him."

     Lucerys was entertained by how blatant the princess turned out to be. Every lady he found himself around seemed to have a stick permanently up their ass. "The king of a century right?"

     Saelor smiled. She had yet to hear a joke fall from Lucerys mouth, that meant she was making progress in cracking his hard shell.

     That was when the prince heard her laugh for the first time. She had a gentle yet contagious laugh. One that was beautiful enough to make even the most sensible man act fool to hear it. Luce laughed along. He hasn't laughed once since his arrival at the redkeep.

     Once Saelor calmed she continued with the monologue. "My brother Aemond was never bad..." Luce tensed at the mention of Aemond. Saelor notice and almost instinctively put her hand on Luce's knee. She did it to show her support and hoped it wouldn't make him uncomfortable. "I see now my judgment must have been foggy. A cruel man is, only a hate ridden man searches for revenge."

     "I am heartily sorry you fell victim to it." Saelor made eye contact with Lucerys, she noticed that he had blue eyes unlike his elder brother.
"You have blue eyes."

     "What of it?" Luce tried not to flush at the pretty girl staring.

     "I just never notice before." Saelor said before breaking the eye contact. "You must hold up your end of the bargain now."

     "How could I forget" Luce said before carrying on. "I have three younger brothers Aegon, Viserys, and Joffery. I enjoy spending time with them when I can." "I'm closer with Jace. We grew up together so we did everything together."

     "The cute one" Saelor said. She meant to tease Luce but he just ignored her

     Luce didn't know why but he felt slightly jealous at what Saelor said. "He's betrothed."

     "I only jesting Luce." Saelor rolled her eyes. "As are you? What is your betrothed like?" The redhead couldn't help but sound condescending.

     "Yes, Rhaena. I don't know her well. We never talk but she will be a great wife to me I'm sure." Luce's answer was short. He wasn't thrilled about the arrangement to be truthful. Lucerys always thought as the second son he would get the opportunity to marry for love. Rhaena was not terrible, she was quiet and tall. Nothing compared to Saelor though. People from all around talked about the kings youngest daughters beauty.

     "I wonder who my betrothed will be." Saelor thought aloud.

     "My guess would be Aemond. Your mother seems to like matching her children with one another." Luce joked.

     Saelor's eyes went wide at his words. "I'd hope not. I couldn't say I ever found blondes attractive..."

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