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     LUCERYS WOKE UP TO a rough hand shaking him awake

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LUCERYS WOKE UP TO a rough hand shaking him awake. For a mere moment he was lost in confusion. That was until the pain kicked in and the adrenaline wore off. All the memories came flooding back like a dam broke in his mind. He remembered how his Uncle followed him through the sky on dragon back with one goal. A goal he unfortunately did not accomplish. He left the job half done. Luce could only think about the antagonizing pain of the burns surrounding his side and part of his thigh. Along with that he most likely had multiple bruises from the harsh impact of the ocean.

The moment of self awareness was short lived. As not long after the Prince began to feel light headed and the sky dimmed.

SAELOR HAD ALWAYS BEEN TIMID around her dowager Queen Mother. Alicent could be a kind hearted woman, but it was always hard to tell if her acts were from her heart or with a different motive. So when she requested to have her youngest child delivered to her immediately Saelor felt time slow. She stood infront of the woman her hands folded properly our of instinct.

"Come sit sweetling." Alicent patted the window seat beside her. Hesitatingly Saelor sat down.

"How old are you dear?" Saelor tried not to roll her eyes at her own mother not remembering her age. Surely she knew Aemonds age.

"Ten and five mother." Saelor answered the question.

"That's right. Your nephew Lucerys is ten and four. Not far from you at all." Alicent replied. Saelor furrowed her brows unsure of where her mother was going with that. "I suppose what I am trying to say it that Lucerys is in ill condition and as of right now he is under our supervision here in the redkeep. I would like you to provide him sanctuary."

"What happened to him?" Saelor didn't know Luce well. She had been in his company many times, yet she never had the chance to bond with him. Saelor wasn't aloud to go off and play with the boys. Her mother kept her far away from them, even her brothers.

"Aemond attacked him while on Vhagar. This will mean war. Rhaenyra is fighting for the throne. It will do us good to have her son with us. Maybe we can come to some sort of agreement. And I need your help with that. You will be staying in Lucerys chambers until further notice. I want you gain his trust." Alicent informed her daughter on the plan.

"So your using me as some whore?" Saelor spat. She never used foul language like that infront of her mother but the time seemed appropriate. "I will not sleep in his room. Do you wish to sully me of all future suitors."

"You do not have to worry about that Saelor I have it all handled already. No one will question you. Simply you will be his nurse in a time of need." Alicent sighed. "I will hear no more of it. A matter of fact go see him now. The guards will show you there."

LUCERYS WOKE UP TO the company of warm room. He felt a presence close by and carefully looked up to see the Princess Saelor at his bed side along with the maester. "I am going to have to look at your injuries your highness." The maester moved the blanket away from Luce.

He would have flinched at the sudden movement if he wasn't so focused on looking intimidating. "Get your hands off of me." He refused. Lucerys knew that Alicent planned to use the Prince as her pawn to hold against his mother. He had no intention on living just to be used against his own family. "If you want to live son it would be wise to let me help."

Luce sighed giving in. He knew it would be smart to just give in. He bit his tongue. It took everything in him to not make a snide remark right there. The maester removed his shirt to which the princess looked away embarrassed. "Princess the queen advised me to teach you how to tend the boys wounds. In order to do that you have to look."

Saelor rolled her eyes of course her mother has said that. Reluctantly the girl opened her eyes trying to to look anywhere by the burn on the side of Lucerys hip.

Lucerys was surprised the queen wanted her own daughter to take on the job of a nurse. It wasn't becoming of a princess. He put together quickly what the woman was trying to do though. She wanted her own daughter to seduce him into submission.

The maester dabbed the wound with a damp cloth before carefully bandaging it up. "Do you understand what to do princess?" The maester asked the aburn haired girl

"Yes I am a fast learner rest assured." She fake smiled at the elderly man.

"Good you may tend the wound on his leg." The older man said making his way to the door.
Lucerys was shocked at how far the queen would go to secure her sons claim. Saelor was not, she knew her mother could be ruthless when she wanted to. "You can't expect me to... without a chaperone?" Saelor tried to argue.

"It is the Queens wishes princess." The grey haired man said before seeing his way out.

"The dowager Queen." Saelor mumbled. Lucerys couldn't help but smirk at that. He did not like the Targaryen, he couldn't like her and he wouldn't. Although he could admit it was funny to see her worked up.

Saelor sighed, putting her hand onto her forehead. "You must believe me when I say that I am just as happy about this as you are." Luce just nodded.

"So do I just?"  Saelor said awkwardly motioning to his pants.

"I would do it myself if I could." Lucerys said sarcastically. Lucerys undid his pants on his own. Wanting to make the situation a lot less awkward. He tried to tell himself it was strictly professional to feel less weird about it. Saelor pulled the princes pants down to his knees with shaky hands leaving him in his briefs. The girl had barley even talked to a boy that wasn't one of her brothers let alone be in a room alone with one in briefs.

"Does it hurt?" Saelor asked the obvious question in attempt to rid the silence as she dabbed the burn like the maester showed her.

"Insanely." Luce said quietly as he winced at the contact.

"We're you scared when Aemond attacked you?" Saelor asked curiously, wrapping up Lucerys thigh. Luce was focused on the princess left hand that rested on the inner part of his thigh.

Lucerys contemplated for a few moments whether or not he wanted to tell Saelor the truth. He was afraid of getting close with anyone in the redkeep and even more afraid of being looked at as weak.

"I did not mean to overstep, my apologies." Saelor bit her inner cheek. Pulling up Lucerys slacks.

"No apologies are needed. It's a story for another day. I'm going to go to bed" Lucerys felt slightly bad when he notice how the princess demeanor changed.

"I will let you sleep than my Prince." Saelor sadly smiled, moving over to the couch nearby the boys bed. She assumed that was where she would be sleeping until further notice.

"Are you just going to watch me sleep?" Lucerys asked partly joking.

"No one told you?" Saelor asked "I hate to be the bearer of bad news but we will be sharing a room until my mother says otherwise."

Lucerys face flushed red at the thought of sharing a room with a girl. "Oh ok" he said said before turning over to his side.

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