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     THE DINNING HAUL WAS filled with silence as Saelor sat down next to Lucerys in anticipation

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     THE DINNING HAUL WAS filled with silence as Saelor sat down next to Lucerys in anticipation. She had a terrible dreadful feeling about tonight, and the silence only made it worse. Alicent wouldn't have planned a dinner like this for just any occasion. There was a array of different foods and everyone was dressed nicely including herself.

     Lucerys cringed at the pig infront of him. He watched Aemond eye him with hate as he recalled their prior dinner together where the boy taunted him. Aegon wore a crown on his head. A deep silver crown, different from the one Viserys wore. Aegon was no king. He was a usurper that would soon be put in his place forcefully. It was plausible how entitled the man was. Although Rhaenyra was the rightful heir Aegon thought that because he had a cock that he had a better claim.

     Alicent cleared her throat, startling both Lucerys and Saelor. "I have brought you all together on this night to bring a announcement."

     Luce looked over to Saelor signifying that she was in-fact right.

     "My youngest daughter and Lucerys Velaryon will be married in the morrow." Alicent said ready for the fire to start. Aemond smirked towards Lucerys.

     "Congratulations." Aegon raised his cup with a laugh.

     Saelor hadn't expected this to be her mothers news. Or maybe she had, when Alicent said she could get around Saelor sharing a chamber with Lucerys this must have been what she meant.

     "I am already betrothed." Luce argued. Admittedly he much rather marry Saelor, nothing was wrong with Rhaena she was a good lady but Saelor was something different to him. None the less Lucerys was a gentleman and wouldn't betray his mothers vows to Rhaena and her family.

     "We handled that nephew. I'm your king and I declare you betrothal to Rhaena nothing but a dud." Aegon said drunkenly. A drunk king he was if anything. Lucerys rolled his eyes. That was not how it worked.

     Saelor picked at the skin around her fingers. She hadn't mind marrying Lucerys but she knew he would only resent her for the circumstances. The girl was afraid all the progress that she had made with the boy would go down the drain. She despised her family just as much as he did, and if it were up to her she would have been born into another family. Even a common family if it meant being far from the hightowers.

      Lucerys noticed Saelor picking at her skin. It was a habbit she had been doing since he met her. Luce reached for the girls right hand, under the table and held onto it.

     Aegon leaned into Luce's ear. Saelor instantly noticed the evil grin on her oldest brothers face. That only meant he was about to say something completely vile. "You do know how to bed a woman don't you?" Aegon asked. "—surely Daemon told you how the act is done. Maybe even took you to a brothal once or twice?"

     Luce knew how the act was done. His mother told both him and Jace when they came of age. Daemon too made his share of uncomfortable comments and jests. Especially when the boys became betrothed. Never had he taken Luce to a brothal though. Maybe Jace, Lucerys couldn't say for sure. "Don't be a imbecile." Luce sneered. Aegon muttered something Im incoherent before sitting upright.

     THEY HAD GOTTEN BACK TO THEIR CHAMBERS neither Saelor or Lucerys knew what to say to the other. "So we're getting married tomorrow." Lucerys spoke up.

     Saelor looked up from her lap into Luce's eyes. "I guess so." Saelor mumbled.

     Luce looked away awkwardly. Thinking that Saelor wasn't happy about the arrangement. Saelor noticed the shift in the brunettes mood. "I'm sorry you have to marry me." Saelor frowned.

     Luce looked back at Saelor this time with a different look in his eyes. "Don't apologize for that. The only thing I would change would be to have my family at the ceremony."

     Saelor walked over to the bed sitting beside Luce. "I'm sorry this moment has to be ruined for you." Saelor said feeling for the Prince. She couldn't imagine how he felt in that moment.

     Lucerys gave the princess a said smile before speaking. "I'm happy to be sharing the moment with you truthfully."

     Saelor blushed at Luce's words. She didn't expect the boy to be so accepting. Saelor hadn't felt like this before. She didn't know when but somewhere along the way she had developed feelings for the Velaryon Prince. "I'm happy you are who I'm marrying Lucerys Velaryon." Saelor spoke her thoughts aloud.

     It was now Lucerys turn to blush. His cheeks heating up. "Do you want to sleep in the bed tonight? I can take the couch. I noticed you have been having back problems." Luce suggested.

     Saelor put her hands up. Refusing the offer. "That is very kind of you but I could not. You aren't well enough. You would be in more discomfort."

     "Well— you could sleep in the bed with me." Lucerys hesitated. He had spent a lot of time with Saelor but he was still the same awkward teenage boy with no experience with woman.

     "I don't know—" Saelor said. Thinking of the consequences.

     "It's okay it was just a thoug-" Luce was cut off by Saelor's voice. "Actually I will." The girl reasoned with herself. She had bathed Lucerys. So sleeping with him wouldn't be far off. Anyway they would be married by the morrow.

     "Okay..." Luce said, the same blush still on his face.

     "Can you help me." Saelor said quietly, gesturing to the lace on her gown. Normally she would go to the bathroom and change into her nightgown while Luce was a sleep but she decided it would be easier to have his help.

     Luce nodded, swallowing back the bile that suddenly crept up his throat. With shaky hands he carefully untied and loosened Saelor's lace.

     "Thank you." Lucerys watched as the red head shrugged the material off her shoulders. The long dress hitting the floor.

     Saelor climbed back into the bed and under the covers. They layed within a inch apart. Their finger tips touching, as they layed on their back staring at the ceiling. "I wont force you to consummate with me after the wedding." The last thing Luce wanted was Saelor to think that he would force her to do something against her own wishes. The sad truth was many men think that because it's their wedding night and their wife that they have the right to bed the woman.

"I know." Saelor groggily said. She found comfort in the boys words. She hasn't expected either of them to do anything on their wedding night but to hear him word it warmed her heart. "Goodnight Luce."

     "Goodnight Sae." Luce whispered back. Connecting his hand with Saelor's.

     Lucerys watched as Saelor fell asleep. He mouth the slightest bit agape. Her chest rising with each breathe. She looked even more precious when she was asleep. As long as Saelor Targaryen was his wife he would make sure to protect her from everything and anything, including her fucked up family.


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