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^Yep. I had no other title name. I suck.^
^So watch this very fab video of the boys doing the carameldansen^
All characters owned by: Hajime Isayama

Connie's POV

When we got to the bottom of the hill Sasha had to head towards the girls cabins and me to the boys so we had to
split up.

I remember it was really awkward to let go of her hand so I hugged her and said "See you tomorrow."
Surprisingly she hugged back and said "Ya see you" and then cracked a few jokes which I replied with some of my own, and so our adventure ended with our usual weird manner so when Marco walked by it wasn't weird for him or us.

"Good bye potato girl" I bowed
"See you tomorrow no hair" she curtsied

And then we parted ways.

As I walked back I started to blush at my own actions.

"Will she hate me now?" I whisper
"Hello Connie~san."

I look to my left and Bertholt was waving, so I do the most manly thing and wait for him to catch up.

"No Reiner?" I ask
"Nope, he already left for the barracks."
"I see" I say
"Anyways Connie~san..." Bertholt starts
"Connie. Connie is fine."
"Wh-hat? That's ooo-kk?" He stutters
"Ya, we're all bros after all. Right?" I smile
"Yaa.." He says sadly
"Um are you ok?" I ask with concern
"Oh oh its nothing! Sorry" He smiles
"Don't be sorry and what was it you wanted to ask me?"
"Umm, well please don't get mad." He says awkwardly
"Wait are you going to make fun of my hair?" I fake gasp and place a hand over my heart
"Haha no, being bald suits you." He laughs
"Ok so what?"


"What?" I ask curiously
"Why um were you uh..." He starts then stops and scratches the back of his neck
"Yes continue..." I urge him on
"Uh... WhyWereBlushing!" He quickly says
"Why was I blushing..." I think

Then I blush after remembering what happened.

"Connie?" Bertholt says
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be"
"You don't have to answer"
"Um I can though."
"Ok, I won't tell"
"Good" I say and stop walking

Bertholt also stops walking

"My secret for one of yours." I say
"Umm." His face darkens

"Oh I'm sorry you don't have to!" I say quickly realizing I might of made him uncomfortable
"No, it's ok." He says face still dark.
"So as in secret, what do you mean?" He asks
"Umm like who you like,secret hobbies and stuff like that." I sweat, his face is really scary right now
"Oh" his face relaxes and he smiles

I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Oh... Um, uh... Sorry, it just uh, secrets brought back some bad memory's." He quickly apologizes

Shit. Real smart Connie, you just brought back his bad memories.
Bertholt sees my face and pats my back

"It's ok, you didn't know and plus it's my fault."
"Nah it's fine, we're all bros right? We forgive and forget." I smile


"So, trade?" I whisper
"Sss. Sure." He stutters blushing
"Ok so... "

I tell him NOT about the hole but after, the whole holding hands things to the hugging to the at first awkward goodbye.
And he listens. Not interrupting once. Just smiling or gasping or nodding. He's a really nice guy.

"And so I think I like my best friend now. Do you think she'll hate me now?" I ask desperately
"No." He says carefully looking up at the sky
"I think she feels the same, though it's hard to read her expression I think she feels the same and will be you best friend no matter what."

My mouth drops open.

Bertholt who notices this covers his face.

"I'm sorry you can hate me if you want. I'm really sorry" he says
"No way man, you are awesome! Thanks that's just what I needed, I feel confident now." I say and raise my hand
"Ohh." Bertholt awkwardly smiles removing his hands from his face and awkwardly reaches down to high five.

"Your turn" I say
"Oh Ya that..." He blushes

*Another Silence*

I wait patiently for him to speak. And hey, he doesn't even have to if he doesn't want to. But he has to. We had a deal.

"Ok..." He breathes in deeply
"Ok...?" I say
"Promise you won't tell right?" Bertholt asks
"Yep, I swear on my honor. Unless you give me permission"

He nods.


I smile, knew it.

I pat him on the back, he's just covering his blushing face.

"You'll know what to do when the time comes, I think that she likes you to! Who wouldn't want to date a tall, handsome, kind guy like you?" I say
"Thanks Connie but rumour has it that Annie likes Armin." Bertholt sadly smiles
"Ah that rumour, it's stupid like how many times have Annie and Armin even looked at each other?"
"You're right, I can do this." He says and smiles and we start to walk

As we approach the cabins I decide to say one more thing

"Go get her." I wink
"Same to you" he replies with his smile so large that you could see his teeth, I've never seen him smile like this.
"Whoa there. Watch out everyone, BERTHOLT'S GETTING SASSY!" I shout just for fun
"Connie!" Bertholt says and try's to cover my mouth

Armin,Reiner and Marco who were standing outside are laughing their heads off.

"Hoot hoot BERTHOLT'S GETTING SASSY" Reiner laughs
"What did Connie do this time?" Marco laughs
"Go get him Bertholt!" Armin also laughs

I start to laugh and next thing I know it Bertholt is laughing to.

"Thanks Connie, it's been awhile since I was this happy." He laughs
"No problem, and you know what?" I say
"What?" He says still laughing
"If Annie sees you smile and laugh like this there's no way she won't fall for you"
"Thanks." He says blushing

"Hahaha, he's blushing!" Says Eren who is coming up the path to our left.
"Ha GAAAAAYYYYYY!" Jean laughs
"JEAN THAT'S REALLY MEAN TAKE IT BACK!" Marco shouts face tinted light pink
"NOPE!" Jean continues to laugh
"Shit" Jean says
"Uh oh, REINER'S MAD!" I shout

Reiner walks up to Jean and looks down on him.

"" Reiner asks fists clentched
"Sorry,I'm sorry I didn't mean it" Jean shudders and protects his head
"Wait Reiner..." Marco says and runs up to Reiner
"Ya wait" Armin runs after Marco
"Let horse face get punched at least once!" Eren laughs and points and Jean

"Pfffttt, Hahahahahahaha!"

We all turn to look at Bertholt who is laughing.

Then we all start to laugh after we realize what we look like.

Jean cowering,Reiner scaring,Marco holding Reiner's arm,Armin in mid run after Marco and Eren pointing at Jean.

"Thanks guys." Bertholt says between laughs
"Like I said we're all bros right?" I say laughing
"Yas, bros forever." Eren says also laughing

And then we all put our hands out and brofist.

"Oh ya did me or Jean mention that we fell in a hole like 5 meters deep?" Eren asks
"Oh really" I laugh and so did everyone else


"Shit the instructor."

And with that we all still laughing run into our cabin.
Heyyyy! Sorry that was cheesy asf, I didn't know what else to do and BERTHOLT is my bae and underrated so I decided that he should be the main for once.

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