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 drey pov

at lunch we all meat up and sat at our usual table.we talked about class, teachers,the stupid answers people gave, or about the fights people had. i have some awesome friends. "drey.... drey... yo earth to drey". 

"what.. yeah whatever".

"cool so you do like really old men".

"ew what the fuck chris way would you ever say that". everyone at the table look at him like he was crazy. "we'er only 17.i'll only go as high as 21".

"but will that's old to some people." amber had a point. "but it depends on how old they are". 

"okay are we done talking about old men and balls'. raven looked around the table. 'good. do you guys wanna come to my house after school". everyone nodded. "good meet me at my locker at 3:45".  

good hopefully i can have some alone time with raven. 

"is chris going to be there". i nodded. 

"but she might be in her room the whole time you guys are there. so dont expect to see much of her".


"see you guys at 3:45". everyone said bye and went to class. 


raven pov

after school we all went back to my place. i had every thing planed out. first talked than play games. my main goal was to get drey alway from everyone else so we can talk alone. if that didn't work just want till everyone left. she usually stays until her parents gets home. which gives me an hour or so. i've been acting different around her. everyone else ust thinks I'm benign nice. which i am but with her its different. its like i can tell her anything and i know she won't jugged me. the second i laid eyes on her i fell in love. i dot know if she feels the same way, but i hope so.  

i told everyone to take their shoes off at the door when i got home. "CHRIS. YOU HOME.CHHHRRRISSSS". i yelled at the top of my lugs. 

"I'm in the kitchen. what do you want".

"I'm just letting you know I'm home and my friends and i are going to bee in the living room if you need anything". 

"i don't think i need anything but ill give you a call if i do". i smiled and gave her a thumbs up as i made my way towards the door. "oh and ray make sure your friends don't bother me, I'm writing a paper". 

"will do". i love my sister, i really do at times she's rely nice and we can talk and have fun. but theres are days when we just can't stand each other. those days i can manage. "okay people i have some rules that need to be inforced". everyone grunted. "yeah ,yeah whatever. 1 if you make a mess clean it. 2 don't break anything or i'll break you. 3 upstairs are off limits unless your with me". i looked at drey when i said that. "4 keep the noise level to a  minimum. and 5 chris doesn't want anybody bothering her, got it".

"yes" everyone said. 

"good now lets have some fun". 


this was longer than my usual chapters i had a hard time writhing it. let me know what you think 

-me out

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