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(( short chapter ))

alan peered from under his eyelashes to look at the man before him. the only sounds in the room were alan and the man's breathing. it was dead silent until the man spoke softly, " alan, do you know who i am?"  alan hesitantly answered the man, " austin."   the sound of austin's knife hitting the floor echoed off the walls and made alan back away from his grip. 

alan crouched to the floor near his artwork, retrieved the knife from the ground, and sliced across his scarred wrist. austin gasped loudly as alan started painting again, but this time it wasn't a picture. it was a name. " austin robert carlile"  but alan wasn't finished yet. alan quickly sketched out the image of austin, but in austin's arms, was the small ginger, smiling brightly. alan rose to his feet as he started getting dizzy, he had cut too deep this time. alan closed his eyes as he collapsed to the floor in a mess of tears, blood, and orange hair. 

austin cleaned alan's wounds then disappeared into the walls like he usually does. how did alan know his name? austin was mentally tearing himself apart at the thought of alan actually knowing him. his face paled as he remembered he had left his only possession in the ginger's room. his knife. austin appeared in alan's room to retrieve his knife, but it was gone, vanished. 

austin ran around the room for a while searching for his knife. wait, austin thought to himself, where is alan? 

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